We could say 'My wife really enjoys certain things a great deal.' Then specify those positive things like 'My wife really enjoys going on hikes and experiencing nature.' This way, it focuses on positive and respectful aspects of her interests rather than using inappropriate language.
A better way might be 'My wife is enthusiastic about [a positive activity or interest].' For instance, 'My wife is enthusiastic about cooking delicious meals and sharing them with family and friends.' This gives a positive image of her and the relationship.
One way could be 'My wife has a strong attraction or passion for something (describe the appropriate thing).' For example, 'My wife has a strong passion for reading stories.'
A possible rewrite could be 'A Wife's Transformation in the Relationship'. This focuses on the positive aspect of change without using vulgar or disrespectful terms.
The story about mom seeing me arrive.
I'm not entirely sure what this phrase specifically means as 'cum junkie' is a rather vulgar and inappropriate term. However, if we break it down, it seems to be some sort of statement about a person's wife having an excessive or abnormal attraction, which is not a proper or respectful way to describe someone.
Sure. How about 'A certain regimen is making my wife gain muscle.' This takes out the potentially inappropriate word and makes it a more general statement about her muscle growth.
One way could be 'Found something inappropriate in wife's story'.
We could rewrite it as 'Harry ruins a certain fan - created story'. This way, we remove the vulgar and inappropriate language and focus on the more general idea of Harry having a negative impact on a fanfic.
We could rewrite it as 'forced to endure their difficult demands story'. This changes the vulgar - sounding part into a more general and acceptable term about dealing with difficult requirements.
We could rewrite it as 'She begged for my kindness story'. This changes the whole tone and makes it about a positive trait like kindness. For example, she might be in a tough situation and needed someone to be kind to her, so she begged the narrator for their kindness, which could include things like giving her food, shelter or just some friendly advice.
We could rewrite it as 'My Wife's New Experience in Social Gatherings'. This way, it focuses on a more positive and appropriate social aspect of a relationship.
One way to rewrite it could be 'The story of an older woman's journey into lesbian relationships'. This emphasizes the positive aspect of her self - exploration and new relationships without including any inappropriate elements like the'strapon' which is not suitable for general or positive discussions.