I heard a baby crying from the abandoned house next door. I went to check, but all I found were old, broken cribs and a cold, empty room. It was as if the crying was coming from another dimension, and I couldn't get it out of my head for days.
I woke up to find my bedroom filled with black feathers. I live on the top floor, and there are no birds around. I still don't know where they came from. It gives me chills every time I think about it.
I opened the cellar door. Red eyes glowed in the darkness. I quickly shut it.
I was home alone. Heard a knock on the door. Opened it. Nobody was there.
I heard my name whispered in the empty hallway. When I turned, there was only darkness.
I was home alone and heard a knock at the door. I opened it, but no one was there. Then I felt a cold hand on my shoulder.
I woke up to find a handprint on the mirror, but I live alone.
I woke up in the middle of the night to see a figure at the foot of my bed. It just stared.
One that stands out is 'I heard a child laughing in the empty school at night.' Empty schools at night are already spooky places, and the sound of a child's laughter when there should be no children there adds to the horror. It makes you think about the possible reasons for the laughter. Is it a ghost of a child who met an untimely end? Or is it something even more sinister?
My phone took a photo by itself. In the picture, there was a figure behind me.
She heard a baby crying in the attic. She's the only one home.
I woke up to a cold hand on my face. It wasn't mine.