Well, to determine if 'My Happy Marriage' is a manga, you could look for it on manga-specific platforms or check the author's original work. Sometimes, it might also have been adapted from a novel or other source first.
Yes, it could be. It depends on whether it's been adapted from a manga or not. You might need to check the credits or related information to be sure.
Sure. 'My Happy Marriage' was adapted from a manga. The adaptation tries to stay true to the original source material while bringing the story to life on the screen.
I don't know off the top of my head. But you could look for recent news articles or posts from the manga publisher to find out if it's still ongoing.
Yes, it is. The My Happy Marriage manga has reached its conclusion.
It is over. The final chapters were released and wrapped up the plot.
I'm not sure. You might have to check with manga publishers or dedicated manga websites to find out for sure.
I'm not sure. You might want to check the official sources or manga forums for the latest updates.
It's a novel. The structure and style of My Happy Marriage indicate that it originated as a novel, not a manga. The depth of character development and the complexity of the plot are typical of a novel format.
The popularity of 'My Happy Marriage' manga varies. Some love it for its unique plot and characters, while others might not be as interested. However, it has managed to gain a significant following among manga enthusiasts.
It's finished. But sometimes, there might be spin-offs or related content that could come out later.
Yes, 'My Happy Marriage' manga has been completed. You won't have to wait for new chapters as you can read it from start to finish.