Pulp Fiction is set in the early 1990s in L.A. The movie's backdrop of that era adds to its unique charm and narrative style.
Pulp Fiction is set primarily in Los Angeles during the early 1990s.
The setting of Pulp Fiction is placed in the early 1990s in the diverse and gritty landscape of Los Angeles. It captures the essence of that time and place through its characters and their interactions.
The setting of Pulp Fiction is placed in the criminal underworld of Los Angeles around the start of the 1990s. It showcases the gritty and chaotic nature of that time and place.
The setting of Pulp Fiction is mostly in the Los Angeles area during the period from the late 1980s to the early 1990s. It captures the essence and style of that era.
The movie Pulp Fiction is set in Los Angeles during the early 1990s.
Pulp Fiction was set primarily in Los Angeles, California.
Pulp Fiction is set primarily in Los Angeles, California.
Pulp Fiction was set primarily in Los Angeles, California.
No, Pulp Fiction is not set in the 70s. It's set in a different time period.
There were no reports of any deaths on the set of 'Pulp Fiction'. The filming process was relatively smooth in terms of safety.