The common way to say 'I love you' in Japanese manga is '鎰涖仐銇︺倠' (aishiteru).
To say 'I love you' in Japanese manga, you might come across expressions like '鎰涖仐銇︺亜銈嬨倛' (aishiteiru yo) or '蹇冦亱銈夋剾銇椼仸銈' (kokoro kara aishiteru). The choice of phrase can vary based on the character and the mood of the scene.
In Japanese,'manga' is pronounced as 銇俱倱銇 (manga). It's a direct borrowing from the English word and is widely used in Japanese language and culture.
In Japanese, 'love story' is typically expressed as '鎭嬫剾銇┍ (ren'ai no hanashi)'. Different contexts might call for slight variations, but these are common ways to say it.
Ai shiteru was a common expression in Japanese for "I love you."
The word for'manga' in Japanese is 婕敾 (銇俱倱銇 / manga).
The word for'story' in Japanese is 銆岀墿瑾炪(monogatari) or 銆屻偣銉堛兗銉兗銆(sutoorii).
It depends on the specific context and characters. Sometimes they might follow your instructions, but often there are plot twists and character decisions that complicate things.
The phrase 'write a story' in Japanese is '鐗╄獮銈掓浉銇 (monogatari o kaku)'.
In Japanese comics, 'shit' can be expressed as '銇忋仢 (kuso)' or '绯 (fun)' but these words are quite vulgar and not commonly used in polite or formal settings.
The word for 'comic book' in Japanese is '銈炽儫銉冦偗銉栥儍銈' (komikku bukku).
You can say '浠兂銇偔銉c儵銈偪銉' (kasou no kyaraakutaa) to mean 'fictional character' in Japanese. This phrase is commonly used in various contexts related to literature, anime, and other forms of creative works.