Yes, they can. Mange is a problem that sheep can encounter. Poor hygiene, contact with infected animals, or a weakened immune system can increase the risk of sheep getting mange.
Yes, sheep can potentially get mange from a horse. Mange is a contagious skin condition that can spread between different animals if they come into close contact.
The first step is to isolate the affected sheep. Then, use special anti-parasitic shampoos or dips. It's also important to clean and disinfect their living area.
Possums can indeed get mange. Mange is often caused by parasites, and possums are not immune. It can lead to hair loss, itching, and other uncomfortable symptoms for them.
Yes, donkeys can get mange. It's a common skin condition that can affect them.
Yes, deer can get mange. Mange is a parasitic infection that can occur in deer, and it can lead to hair loss, skin irritation, and other health issues. Environmental factors and interactions with other infected animals can contribute to their getting it.
Yes, opossums can get mange. Mange is a skin condition that can affect various animals, including opossums.
Sure, deer can contract mange. It's an infectious skin disorder that can spread among deer populations. If not treated promptly, it can have serious consequences for their well-being.
Well, humans can contract mange, but it typically happens under specific circumstances. Such as prolonged and direct contact with an animal that has mange, or in cases where the immune system is compromised.
Yes, kittens can get mange. It's a common skin condition that can affect them.
Yes, mice can get mange. Mange is a skin condition that can affect various animals, including mice.