In the fictional universe, Wakanda is situated in a hidden and secluded area of Africa. It's protected from the outside world and its location is kept a mystery.
Yes, Wakanda is fictional. It's a fictional country created in the Marvel universe.
Well, the location of fictional Walton could vary depending on the author's imagination. Sometimes, it could be a made-up town in a fantasy realm, or perhaps it's based on a real place but with fictional elements added. Without more context, it's hard to say for sure.
Fictional Gilead doesn't have a specific real-world location. It's an imagined place created in the fictional context.
Stalag 13 was often depicted as being located in a fictional area in German-occupied territory during World War II.
I have no idea. It depends on the specific fictional story or world it's from.
Yes, Wakanda is a fictional place. It was created for various fictional stories, mainly in the Marvel Comics universe.
Wakanda is purely fictional. It's a fantastic concept brought to life in the realm of entertainment. There's no such real location with the characteristics and elements attributed to Wakanda in the real world.
It was set in a remote and creepy area, but the exact location wasn't specified in detail.
I have no idea where Fanville is. Maybe it's a place made up in someone's imagination.
Downton Abbey is fictional and set in Yorkshire, England.