On Telegram, who can see your story depends on how you configure the visibility. If you make it visible to 'everyone', it's accessible to all users. However, if you limit it to 'selected contacts', only those you choose can see. And for group or channel stories, only the group or channel members can view.
Your contacts who you have shared your story with can see it. Also, if your settings allow it, members of groups or channels you post it in can view it.
No, Telegram doesn't provide a feature to see who has viewed your story.
No, Telegram doesn't provide a feature to see who has viewed your story. It values user privacy in this regard.
Generally, those who are in your contacts or groups that you've allowed access to can view the Telegram story. It also depends on your privacy settings. For example, if you set it to public, anyone can see it. But if it's private, only selected individuals can.
Only the people you have specifically allowed to view your story can see it. This usually includes your contacts or followers depending on your settings.
Generally, the people you have explicitly given access to or those who are part of the groups or channels where you've posted your story can see it. It depends on your privacy settings and how you've chosen to share it.
The people you've chosen to share your stories with can see them. This could include friends, groups, or specific individuals you've given access. Also, if your settings are public, anyone on Telegram might be able to see them depending on the platform's rules.
Generally, the people you have allowed to view your stories can see them. This might include your contacts or followers, depending on your settings.
Your contacts or followers who you have allowed to view your stories can see them.
No, you can't. Telegram doesn't offer this kind of functionality for privacy reasons. It's designed to give users a certain level of anonymity when it comes to story views.
Well, usually, people you've given access to or those within the specific group you've selected when sharing your story can see it. For example, if it's a private group story, only members of that group can view it.