The words "do not soak" on the clothes meant that the clothes could not be soaked in water. This was to prevent the clothes from fading, distorting, or shrinking. The instructions on the washing label of the clothes were determined according to the characteristics of the clothes and the washing method. Therefore, before washing the clothes, it was best to check the precautions and washing methods on the washing label to ensure that the clothes were washed correctly to avoid damage.
A heart that was immersed in worldly affairs meant that one had a heart that was full of enthusiasm and vitality, and could actively face the challenges and difficulties in life. The meaning of this word could be understood from different perspectives. In culture, it could express the love and cherish of ordinary life, as well as the importance of family, kinship, and friendship. In art and music, it symbolized the ups and downs of life and the pursuit of beautiful things. In short, a heart that was immersed in the world meant that one had a heart full of vitality and enthusiasm, able to face life positively and cherish the beauty in it.
The words " cannot be bleached " on the clothes meant that no washing agents with brightening properties could be used, such as 84 bleaches, color bleaches, bleaches, brightening soaps, and other products that could brighten clothes. These products had a certain degree of corrosiveness, and it was easy to cause the color of the clothing to fade, so it could not be bleached.
When a story is marked as 'unavailable', it could imply a few things. It might mean the rights to the story are restricted, or it's temporarily taken down for editing or review. Sometimes, it could also indicate that the platform where it was supposed to be available is experiencing glitches.
It usually means that the story can't be accessed or is not currently available for some reason. Maybe it's not published yet, or there's a technical issue preventing access.
Well, when you see 'this story is unavailable', it could imply a few things. It might be that the story has violated some terms and conditions and has been removed. Or perhaps there's a problem with the hosting platform or server that's preventing it from being shown. Sometimes, it could also be that it's only available to certain users or at specific times.
If a story says 'unavailable', it often indicates that there's a problem with accessing it. This could be because it's in the process of being updated, has copyright restrictions, or there's a glitch in the system that's showing it as unavailable when it should be accessible.
It usually means that the story you're trying to access or find can't be reached or accessed for some reason. Maybe it's been removed, there's a technical glitch, or it's not available in your region.
It usually means that the story you're trying to access or find isn't accessible or available at the moment. Maybe it's been removed, there's a technical glitch, or it's not been published yet.
It usually means that the story you're trying to access can't be found or accessed for some reason. Maybe it's been removed, there's a technical glitch, or you don't have the right permissions.
It usually means that the particular story you're looking for can't be accessed or found at the moment. Maybe it's been removed, there's a technical glitch, or it's not available in your region.