The difference between Di and Shu princes was their birth status and inheritance rights. Di princes referred to the sons of the emperor's main wife, while Shu princes referred to the sons of concubines or concubines who were lower than the main wife. A legitimate prince had a higher status and had the opportunity to inherit the throne and enjoy priority in inheriting titles and property. Shu Princes did not have the chance to become emperors. They had a lower order of succession and were usually conferred the title of local kings. The Di prince bore the responsibility of being the successor of the family and enjoyed a higher status and power, while the Shu prince had a clear difference in status and power. To sum up, the difference between a Di prince and a Shu prince was mainly reflected in their birth identity, status, and inheritance rights.
The difference between a crown prince and a prince lay in their status and identity. The Crown Prince referred to the Emperor's eldest son, the heir to the throne, and had the qualifications to inherit the throne. The crown prince usually received strict education and training in preparation for becoming the future emperor. Princes referred to the other sons of the emperor. They did not have the qualifications to inherit the throne, but they still enjoyed special privileges and noble status. The princes also received education, but their main responsibility was to assist the crown prince and the emperor in participating in state affairs and ceremonies.
There were differences in the definition, status, and number of princes. The Crown Prince was the chosen heir to the throne, while the Princes were only the sons of the Emperor. In terms of status, the Crown Prince's status was higher than the Princes, second only to the Emperor and Empress. Even the Princes had to bow before the Crown Prince. Most of the princes were the sons of concubines, so their status was relatively low. There was only one crown prince, but there could be many princes. If the Crown Prince became the Emperor in the future, he and the Prince would be brothers, but there would also be a difference between monarch and minister. Therefore, the Crown Prince's status would be even more noble.
The difference between a Crown Prince and a Prince was their status and identity. The Crown Prince was the son of the Emperor, while the Princes were the sons of other royal families. As the son of the emperor, the crown prince had a higher status and privileges. He might have more official positions and responsibilities. However, the specific differences and details might require further research and information.
Prince and Wangye were the titles of nobility in China's feudal system. Prince was the highest rank of Wangye, while Wangye was a broader title that included Prince and Junwang. A prince was the son of the emperor or a relative of the emperor. He had the highest status and enjoyed special privileges and a high salary. Wangye was a more common title that could include princes, county lords, and other kings. In the Qing Dynasty, the Prince and the King were both called Wangye, but the Prince had a higher status and treatment, and had more power and privileges. The salary of a prince was usually twice that of a duke, and the son of a prince also enjoyed a higher salary and status. The status and treatment of a prince depended on the emperor's trust and appreciation. If a county king wanted to become a prince, he had to make contributions and gain the emperor's appreciation. In general, there was a clear difference in status and treatment between a prince and a king.
The difference between the Second Prince and the Crown Prince. According to documents 2 and 3, the Crown Prince was the Di son of the Qing Emperor and the Empress, and the Second Prince was the Qing Emperor's younger brother. Even though the Crown Prince had a higher status, the Second Prince was still a prince. There was a complicated relationship between them, including cooperation and competition. However, the search results did not provide clear information about the specific differences between them. Therefore, he could not answer this question accurately.
The difference between a crown prince and a crown prince was their status and identity. The Crown Prince referred to the title of the heir to the throne, while the Crown Prince referred to the son of the current Emperor who was designated as the heir. The Crown Prince was the main body of the Crown Prince, usually the eldest son of the Empress. If the Crown Prince passed away, his younger brother or the oldest prince could inherit the position of Crown Prince. The crown prince was the crown prince who had already been confirmed as the heir. He would usually receive special education and training in preparation for the responsibility of the throne in the future. In short, the crown prince referred to the general title of the heir to the throne, while the crown prince referred to the heir to the current emperor.
The difference between the Crown Prince and the Second Prince. The Crown Prince referred to the son of the Emperor, the heir to the throne, so he received special attention in terms of education. The Crown Prince had a special teacher who taught him the Confucian classics. The second prince referred to the other sons of the emperor, not the heir to the throne. There was no clear information about the Second Prince's specific duties and status in the search results.
The difference between the Crown Prince and the Second Prince was their status and identity. The crown prince was the emperor's son and the heir to the throne. He would usually receive special education and training to prepare for his future succession to the throne. The Crown Prince had a higher status and enjoyed special privileges and power. The second prince was the emperor's other son, not the heir to the throne. Their status was relatively low, and they were usually assigned to various places to be vassal kings to maintain the balance of imperial power. The Second Prince's power and privileges were more limited than the Crown Prince's. In general, the Crown Prince was the heir to the throne and had a higher status, while the Second Prince was the other son and had a lower status.
The difference between the Crown Prince and the Second Prince was their status and identity. The Crown Prince was the son of the Emperor and the heir to the throne. He was usually appointed as the heir to the throne. The Crown Prince had a certain amount of power and status in the court and was regarded as the future emperor. The Second Prince was the second son of the Emperor, not the heir to the throne. His status and power were relatively low, and he usually did not become an emperor. The Second Prince might have some honor and titles, but his chances of inheriting the throne were small.
The difference between the First Prince and the Crown Prince lay in their definition, status, and number. The crown prince was the successor of the ancient emperor, and he was the heir to the throne. The eldest prince was the first son of the emperor. The Crown Prince's status was second only to the Emperor and Empress. Even the Prince had to bow before the Crown Prince, and the Eldest Prince's status was second only to the Crown Prince. There was only one crown prince, but there could be many princes. Thus, the Crown Prince's status was even more honorable.