The permanent population of Neijiang City was 3,140,700.
The number of permanent residents in Neijiang City was 3140678 as of 00:00 on November 1st, 2020.
In 2023, the total permanent population of Neijiang City was 3.988 million.
The population of Neijiang City was 3.72 million.
In 2020, the permanent population of Neijiang City was 3,140,700, a decrease of 559,300 compared to 2019. According to the data of the seventh national population survey, the male population accounted for 50.26% and the female population accounted for 49.74%. Among the population structure of Neijiang City, 15.55% were 0-14 years old, 59.22% were 15-59 years old, 25.23% were above 60 years old, and 20.03% were above 65 years old. By the end of 2022, the total registered population of Neijiang City was 3.988 million, of which the male population was 2.053 million. Neijiang City's urban rate was 50.07%, an increase of 10.71% compared to 2010. According to the information provided, the population of Neijiang City was 3140678, and the sex ratio was 101.05, accounting for 49.74%. The population of Neijiang City was 3140678, and the sex ratio was 101.05, accounting for 49.74%. The population of Neijiang City was 3140678, and the sex ratio was 101.05, accounting for 49.74%. The population of Neijiang City was 3140678, and the sex ratio was 101.05, accounting for 49.74%. The population of Neijiang City was 3140678, and the sex ratio was 101.05, accounting for 49.74%. The population of Neijiang City was 3140678, and the sex ratio was 101.05, accounting for 49.74%. The population of Neijiang City was 3140678, and the sex ratio was 101.05, accounting for 49.74%. The population of Neijiang City was 3140678, and the sex ratio was 101.05, accounting for 49.74%. The population of Neijiang City was 3140678, and the sex ratio was 101.05, accounting for 49.74%. The population of Neijiang City was 3140678, and the sex ratio was 101.05, accounting for 49.74%.
The population of Neijiang City was 1,572,600.
The age distribution of the population in Neijiang City. According to the data of the seventh population survey of Neijiang City in 2020, the population aged 0-14 accounted for 15.55% of the total population, the population aged 15-59 accounted for 59.22% of the total population, the population aged 60 and above accounted for 25.23% of the total population, and the population aged 65 and above accounted for 20.03% of the total population. In addition, according to 2015 data, the proportion of the population aged 0-14 in the total population has increased. Overall, the age distribution of the population in Neijiang City showed an aging trend.
The population density data of Neijiang City was not directly given. However, we can make inferences based on the relevant information provided. According to the data of the seventh national population survey, the permanent population of Neijiang City in 2020 was 3140678, a decrease of 562169 people compared to 2010, a decrease of 15.18%. In addition, according to the 2023 national economic and social development statistics bulletin of Shizhong District of Neijiang City, the total registered population of the district at the end of the year was 407,400. Although there is no direct data on population density, we can infer population density by comparing the number of people with the area. However, since there was no data on the area of Neijiang City, it was impossible to accurately calculate the population density. Therefore, based on the information provided, it was impossible to determine the population density of Neijiang City.
The population of Shijia Town in Neijiang City was 19,000 (2019 data).
The population of Shijia Town in Neijiang City was 19,000 (2019 data).
The population of Neijiang City's Shizhong District changed in different years. According to the statistics of 2022, the total registered population of Shizhong District was 410,100. However, according to the data of 2023, the total registered population of the Shizhong District was 407,400. Since the data for 2024 was not provided, the current population of the Shizhong District could not be determined. Therefore, it was impossible to accurately answer the population of Shizhong District of Neijiang City.