The corresponding words for the court were: court, court meeting, court politics, courtiers, court officials, tribute, ruling and opposition, court chapter, court etiquette, court class, court row, worship, court meeting, congratulations, court etiquette, etc.
In ancient times, the words that represented the imperial court were Xiao Chen, Zhong Chen, Dan Chen, Yun Qu, Miao Tang, Rui Wo, Lang Miao, etc. These words often appeared in ancient poems and writings to refer to the imperial court.
The common words in ancient poems that referred to the imperial court were Xiao Chen, Zhong Chen, Dan Chen, Yun Qu, Rui Wu, Lang Miao, Chen Ju, Yi Chi, Polaris, North Pole, etc.
The words of the ancient imperial court were: Xiao Chen, Zhong Chen, Dan Chen, Yun Qu, Rui Wo, Lang Miao, Chen Ju, Yu Chi, Polaris, North Pole, etc.
There were many words to describe the imperial court, including half of the country, half of the rivers and mountains, a myriad of emotions, darkness, and the end of the world. In addition, there were also words such as Xiao Chen, Zhong Chen, Dan Chen, Yun Qu, Rui Wo, Lang Miao, Chen Ju, and Yi Chi that could be used to represent the imperial court.
The imperial court and the imperial court had the same meaning. There was no difference. The imperial court referred to the place where the monarch dealt with political affairs during the reign of the monarch. It was a central governing body headed by the monarch. The word 'court' was written wrongly, but the correct way of writing it was 'imperial court'.
The imperial court and the imperial court referred to the same concept. It was the place where ancient emperors accepted court meetings and handled government affairs. Later, it extended to the central ruling body headed by the monarch or the name of the monarch. Imperial court and imperial court were synonymous, and there was no clear difference. Thus, there was no difference between the imperial court and the imperial court.
The words with similar meanings to the imperial court were imperial court, imperial government, courtiers, court meeting, court meeting, court retreat, ruling and opposition, court discussion, and court room.
In ancient times, the words referring to the imperial court were: imperial court, public court, court, watchtower.
The common words in ancient poems that referred to the imperial court were Xiao Chen, Zhong Chen, Dan Chen, Yun Qu, Rui Wu, Lang Miao, Chen Ju, Yi Chi, Polaris, North Pole, etc.
The correct pronunciation of the imperial court was [cháotíng]. The imperial court referred to the place where the ancient monarch accepted court meetings and handled government affairs. It could also refer to the central governing body headed by the monarch or the monarch himself. The court was similar to the government, the court, the ruling and opposition, and the government. The meaning of the word 'imperial court' came from the meaning of 'morning.' This was because in ancient times, morning was the time for the monarch to listen to government affairs. All officials would gather in the imperial court to discuss matters. The term 'imperial court' could also be used to refer to the period when the monarch ruled, which was called a dynasty.