
The classification of ancient Chinese poetry.

2024-09-21 21:34
1 answer

Ancient Chinese poetry can be classified according to different standards. The following are some common classifications: 1. By genre: - Poetry: A literary genre that uses musical language as its main feature to express emotions and thoughts in words. - Ci: A literary genre with rhythm as its main feature to describe scenery and express emotions. - Fu: A literary genre that focuses on describing, praising, and lamenting nature, society, and life. - Wen: A literary genre with the main purpose of discussion and discussion. 2. Category by subject: - Landscape Pastoral Poetry: A poem with landscape and countryside as its main theme. - [Love poem: A poem that focuses on expressing love.] - "Historical epics: A poem that focuses on historical events and historical figures." - Satire poem: A poem that mainly satirizes and critiques social reality. 3. By way of expression: - Lyric poetry: A poem that mainly aims to express emotions. - [Narrative-Poem: A poem that focuses on narrating history, events, and characters.] - A poem with the main purpose of expressing the author's views, thoughts, and feelings. 4. According to creative style: - Tang poetry: Tang poetry's main features are the rhythm, meter, and language skills, which represent the peak of ancient Chinese poetry. - Song Ci: The Song Ci's language skills, musicality, and artistry were the main features that represented the low point of ancient Chinese poetry. - Yuanqu: The language, musicality, and artistry of Yuanqu represent the middle level of ancient Chinese poetry. It should be noted that these classification methods were not absolutely different, and there were different intersections and fusions of different classification methods.

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