
The Evolution of Western Literature Schools

2024-09-19 20:20
1 answer

The evolution of Western literary schools could be divided into the following stages: Ancient Greek period: The ancient Greek period was the origin of Western literature, and classic literary works such as Homer's "Iliad" and "Odey" appeared. During this period, many others appeared, such as Heath Layde, Senecca, and Aesop. 2. Ancient Rome: Ancient Rome was a period of Western literature. Many of them were widely spread during this period, such as Virgil during the Roman Empire and John Keats during the shakespeare period. 3. The Middle Ages: The Middle Ages was the low point of Western literature. The literary works mainly focused on religious topics such as Christian Bibles and religious stories. During this period, there were also some famous people such as Thomas Hardy, Thackeray, and Boccaccio. 4 Renaissance: The Renaissance was a period of prosperity for Western literature. Many of them were created and spread during this period. The representative works of the Renaissance included Da Vinci's Mona Lisa and Michelangelo's David. The Enlightenment period was a new era of Western literature and many literary works were reformed. The representative works of the Enlightenment included Russell's On the Social Contract and Montesquieu's On the Spirit of Law. The late 19th and 20th centuries: The late 19th and 20th centuries were the climax of Western literature. The literary works of the 20th century included Dickens, Morpassant, Tolstoy, Maugham, and others. 21st-century literary works included Ernest Hemmingway, Faulkner, Calvino, Margaret Atwood, and others.

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