The ancient translation of "by" is usually used to indicate the arrival of a certain event or result. In modern Chinese, it is often used to indicate causality, indicating that a certain result is caused by a previous causality.
Xu Ruzi was nine years old. He once played under the moon. People said to him,"If there is nothing in the moon, will it be very bright?" "No. For example, there are pupils in people's eyes. Without them, one would not understand." The translation of this ancient text was: When Xu Ruzi was nine years old, he once played under the moonlight. Someone said to him,"If there is nothing in the moon, it will be very bright, right?" Xu Ruzi said," It's not like that. It's like a pupil in a person's eyes. Without it, the eyes are not bright."
The translation of the Ancient Dragon's famous saying was as follows: No one is born a hero they just become one The meaning of this sentence was: No one was born a hero. They just kept trying to be heroes.