I don't like the pairing...either make a harem of 2 or change the pairing .....also the story sometimes get confusing cuz of your writing style
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LIKEWill try to adapt to help you understand better. But I hate harems. They hold no realness in my view. Sure, we’re talking about a world of flying fire breathing lizards. But my opinion stands. Realness In worlds such as this connect fans to characters and stories. The dragons just bring them to the table.
I just don't like her..there are much better looking choices for pairing..l
Brogdawg32:Will try to adapt to help you understand better. But I hate harems. They hold no realness in my view. Sure, we’re talking about a world of flying fire breathing lizards. But my opinion stands. Realness In worlds such as this connect fans to characters and stories. The dragons just bring them to the table.
Yeah :(....just don't let the mc hide away in his small little place and let him meet the big players and have real impact conquer westeros than essos then we can also explore south and further north...good update speed but pls don't put too much focus on certain kind of people
Brogdawg32:Understandable. We cannot always agree I’m afraid :))