
Review Detail of Bjorntjuh96 in Giratina in Marvel MCU AU



A six year old is led into the kitchen for the first time and is given free reign to make a pizza using whatever ingredients they like best. So the child grabs some things it likes and throws them all together willy nilly and shoves it into the oven to let it bake. Fifteen minutes later, out comes a puff pastry bottom, smeared with nutella, topped with a generous amount of pepperoni and to finish it all off, a handfull of skittles. After all who doesn't want to taste the rainbow. That's exactly what we get with this story. It really seems to me like the author started writing and at every turn, whenever they had a 'cool' idea they just added it to the story. So out comes this hodgepodge of individually amazing ingredients that ultimately just don't fit together. There's definitely potential here though, some pretty cool ideas. If the author manages to flesh them out properly, I'm sure it'll be great. But for now, not my cup of tea.

Giratina in Marvel MCU AU



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