
Review Detail of XXGSWAI in I reincarnated in my favorite novel as Darkness



Guys, you need to relax and cut the author more slack on his first good novel. I love the concept of this world, and the world background building is utterly astounding. I also love the characters and actual story arcs with them. It doesn't make sense you guys don't care about the characters since there is honestly no guarantee darkness will spare them. Now for the criticism, this story gets 3.8 stars. I feel like the stability of updates should be a little better, maybe like a stable chapter every 2 days. Also, the novel's pacing is a little too fast and in the beginning, Thomas feels more like the main character than darkness. The romance between Darkness and Darkness simply doesn't make sense and feels extremely forced. There was no development to explain how she's there, It's also explained multiple times it's not in Darkness' nature to feel the romance. Yet, for some reason with absolutely no development, Mc meets the 'previous Darkness' and she loves him to bits as soon as she comes in. Also, the grammar is good but the punctuations and commas need to be more focused. Also, the wording in the sentences could use a bit more work in my opinion.

I reincarnated in my favorite novel as Darkness





Thanks for the review (^-^) I understand your points about the story, all I can say is that I will improve! About the updates: I'm a person without much free time unfortunately, studying, working, these things of life you know? As I have to divide my 24 hours a day for everything, sometimes I overload myself, so I get discouraged to write and believe me it is impossible to write discouraged, your mind literally does not think about anything! And I can't focus on the webnovel because I have another source of income. But don't worry, I'll keep updating (: