
Review Detail of AEGIR123 in Marvel : Different Peter Parker



more harem more harem more harem more harem more harem more harem more harem more harem more harem more harem more harem more harem more harem more harem more harem more harem more harem more harem more harem more harem more harem more harem more harem more harem more harem more harem more harem more harem more harem more harem more harem more harem more harem more harem more harem more harem more harem more harem more harem more harem please.

Marvel : Different Peter Parker





this is honestly sad



this is one of the reasons this app is going down hill


most of webnovel is just Chinese young master novels or harems


By Saying A Harem Ruins The Story Means You Doubting The Authors Ability To Develop Relationships And Characters. A Harem Can Be Good If Its Not The Main Focus Of The Story But That Doesn't Mean It Should Be Something That Pops Up Rarely Nad Like I Said Earlier If The Characters Relationships Are Developed Well. You're Only Saying That Because You've Probably Read Badly Developed Harem Where They Fall For The Mc With No Developing.


no , I have seen a lot of single pair or story without romance that are equally as bad as the one with it .....it all depends on authors skill story here are good and many not too good cause it's easy for almost anyone to post stories here other sites like Wattpad are even worse ... so don't talk and genralize of you don't know anything

Slothiticus:this is one of the reasons this app is going down hill

I agree to your point if harem is not the central focus of the story the story can still develop nicely but this is rarely if ever done and seems to become even worse on this app as time goes on. Your point kind of contradicts itself though as it proves that harem stories are bad writing as they are not capable of standing on their own without essentially being background noise of a good story one can write a story and develop characters without a harem which begs the question what does harem offer to the story to improve it and the answer is nothing harem is a plot devise that serves no purpose other than filler so why use it.

Randomguy010:By Saying A Harem Ruins The Story Means You Doubting The Authors Ability To Develop Relationships And Characters. A Harem Can Be Good If Its Not The Main Focus Of The Story But That Doesn't Mean It Should Be Something That Pops Up Rarely Nad Like I Said Earlier If The Characters Relationships Are Developed Well. You're Only Saying That Because You've Probably Read Badly Developed Harem Where They Fall For The Mc With No Developing.

Also a story from Wãttpad "bloody luck" that's s very intresting take on supernatural where mc is very unique

Slothiticus:I agree to your point if harem is not the central focus of the story the story can still develop nicely but this is rarely if ever done and seems to become even worse on this app as time goes on. Your point kind of contradicts itself though as it proves that harem stories are bad writing as they are not capable of standing on their own without essentially being background noise of a good story one can write a story and develop characters without a harem which begs the question what does harem offer to the story to improve it and the answer is nothing harem is a plot devise that serves no purpose other than filler so why use it.

Also don't use words like hãrem in webnovel comments, webnovel auto bans comments or people using word like hãrêm , têên ,ãdült , shït etc ....and many more 😂

Slothiticus:I agree to your point if harem is not the central focus of the story the story can still develop nicely but this is rarely if ever done and seems to become even worse on this app as time goes on. Your point kind of contradicts itself though as it proves that harem stories are bad writing as they are not capable of standing on their own without essentially being background noise of a good story one can write a story and develop characters without a harem which begs the question what does harem offer to the story to improve it and the answer is nothing harem is a plot devise that serves no purpose other than filler so why use it.

I Have a question why do people read fanfiction like it was made by Shakespeare himself?

Slothiticus:I agree to your point if harem is not the central focus of the story the story can still develop nicely but this is rarely if ever done and seems to become even worse on this app as time goes on. Your point kind of contradicts itself though as it proves that harem stories are bad writing as they are not capable of standing on their own without essentially being background noise of a good story one can write a story and develop characters without a harem which begs the question what does harem offer to the story to improve it and the answer is nothing harem is a plot devise that serves no purpose other than filler so why use it.

Why not use it either if it's in the Background

Slothiticus:I agree to your point if harem is not the central focus of the story the story can still develop nicely but this is rarely if ever done and seems to become even worse on this app as time goes on. Your point kind of contradicts itself though as it proves that harem stories are bad writing as they are not capable of standing on their own without essentially being background noise of a good story one can write a story and develop characters without a harem which begs the question what does harem offer to the story to improve it and the answer is nothing harem is a plot devise that serves no purpose other than filler so why use it.

yes that's what I was thinking as well, fanfics are supposed to be read for fun and guilty pleasure not a literary masterpiece

Randomguy010:I Have a question why do people read fanfiction like it was made by Shakespeare himself?