
Review Detail of Kelator in Hero of Darkness



pro. -First off, while there are some mistakes, the grammar is fairly good(compared to most novels in WN). -The MC is a true "smart" MC in his choices and while other novels advertise these types of MC's, this novel (so far) actually delivers. -The story is interesting and so far pretty good. Negatives. -My biggest complaint is the lack of information in regards to stats and abilities. Stats have no real value and are just numbers that go up and down. While some stats like strength can be understood by the reader as it's common knowledge, dex and defense isn't explained and is just there. Abilities lack depth and are just thrown around. -The fight scenes are lacking, It just feels like details that should be there aren't. This also feeds off my earlier point as even the combat is missing information. -The authors notes aren't needed and takes away from the immersion. This isn't a translated chinese novel where the culture can be confusing to westerners and needs explanation. Instead the Author should explain better through the story or expect the reader to understand the jokes. -MC grows way too fast. No real challenge as he obtains a super powerful pet very early on and so the story loses threat value from enemies as the reader already knows it's going to end up one sided. The story is fairly new and could easily be corrected in the future so overall the story is good and the MC is likeable. The first conflict was kind of a Cliche but I laughed at the "it's a trap" comment. The story would have made more sense through a cultivation system then a game element one. We need examples for stats so the reader can imagine the differences. We need a bases for how each stats are in value. Right now all we know is 10 strength is greater then 9 strength but that's it. We need references like a normal human has X this stat and that. It should also have power scaling(or whatever the author wants) where 10x stat= C rank, 50xstat=D rank, etc. If not stats will just becoming numbers that have no concrete meaning and just go up as the MC levels, Abilities also need a ranking system or leveling system. You have many abilities the MC absorbed but are just there as fluff. Then the next chapter he suddenly has new abilities that he combined but no real information. The MC goes hunting, kills monsters, then shows up with many abilities, the lack of depth is boring. This alone could have been far more detailed and less rushed.

Hero of Darkness





Also why isn't there an intellect stat? At some point I read that the MC was getting smarter has he leveled, but there isn't a stat for it. Also while it isn't always this way, but intellect is normally attributed to magic and mana.


Thanks for your honest review. I appreciate it. I have many things to explain but I'll summarize them together and keep it short. This novel never was never going to be oriented towards stats. And there is no need of INT Stat because people in this world gain their mastery over weapons or magic based on practice and experience. INT could easily make a donkey more intelligent than a Sage if there was some Attribute allocation system. Plus the story was indeed about him building his strength from the bottom but as soon as his small army and his levels rose, he had to up his game. I never had intentions to keep him as an underdog and use the 'I need to hide until I'm strong' plot or that 'Big guy oppressing the weak MC' over and over. He knows which fight he can win and which he can't. Although he isn't a heroic character, he still has his moral value of a normal human from Earth. Some people tend to mix Antihero with a Villain these days so he's looking for a right cause to take action and won't mindlessly kill everyone. The bloodlines and ranks play the major role in the story than stats and levels. As for the skills going underused, why would he be dependent on the low tier skills when he gains higher ones? At some point, he will have to stop using them anyway. And I do admit that I'm not well versed in creating action sequences, I can't write something like Mountain Shattering Fist or Heaven breaking sword slash stuff. I'll definitely improve on that part in upcoming chapters. I already have plans to write an entire chapter just for the explanation of stats and abilities of Kahn, his allies and other characters. I've skipped them recently because the main story was being stretched unnecessarily as it is. And I have to finish the first arc under certain chapters because this is in the end, just a first stop for the MC. And the plots you find missing are already in plans to be explored in the next arc. So I hope this gives you some understanding.

Kelator:Also why isn't there an intellect stat? At some point I read that the MC was getting smarter has he leveled, but there isn't a stat for it. Also while it isn't always this way, but intellect is normally attributed to magic and mana.

Is one of your inspirations solo leveling?

CrimsonWolfAuthor:Thanks for your honest review. I appreciate it. I have many things to explain but I'll summarize them together and keep it short. This novel never was never going to be oriented towards stats. And there is no need of INT Stat because people in this world gain their mastery over weapons or magic based on practice and experience. INT could easily make a donkey more intelligent than a Sage if there was some Attribute allocation system. Plus the story was indeed about him building his strength from the bottom but as soon as his small army and his levels rose, he had to up his game. I never had intentions to keep him as an underdog and use the 'I need to hide until I'm strong' plot or that 'Big guy oppressing the weak MC' over and over. He knows which fight he can win and which he can't. Although he isn't a heroic character, he still has his moral value of a normal human from Earth. Some people tend to mix Antihero with a Villain these days so he's looking for a right cause to take action and won't mindlessly kill everyone. The bloodlines and ranks play the major role in the story than stats and levels. As for the skills going underused, why would he be dependent on the low tier skills when he gains higher ones? At some point, he will have to stop using them anyway. And I do admit that I'm not well versed in creating action sequences, I can't write something like Mountain Shattering Fist or Heaven breaking sword slash stuff. I'll definitely improve on that part in upcoming chapters. I already have plans to write an entire chapter just for the explanation of stats and abilities of Kahn, his allies and other characters. I've skipped them recently because the main story was being stretched unnecessarily as it is. And I have to finish the first arc under certain chapters because this is in the end, just a first stop for the MC. And the plots you find missing are already in plans to be explored in the next arc. So I hope this gives you some understanding.

In a way, kind of. But only when I was deciding on which Divine Abilities would Elric choose. But unlike Solo Leveling, the subordinates like Omega, Rudra and the Six Generals are going to play a vital role in the end game of the Novel. Any more explanations will be spoilers. Besides, who doesn't like Solo Leveling? 😂

Kelator:Is one of your inspirations solo leveling?

good story author I just love mc his thinking and all its neither mindless pervert killing anyone he sees for power nor he is arrogant and system is good too waiting for him leaving current location and meeting other heroes and he should kill light hero so he gets his ability it will help mc becoming all rounder so if he ever decides to kill all god ( as you told in certain chapter he doesn't want to be under any god) it will great having no weakness


Wait, you also read Solo leveling ?, so can you tell us more about mc shadow power ?, because I want to see if there are more to it instead of just another full copy of 'Solo leveling' ability there (I don't mind spoiler as much), was getting a bit bored there so was find some with interesting setting. Though one question, what chapter the guy who review above readed ? (just want to know which chapter the author see this review and begin fix that problem he mention above)

CrimsonWolfAuthor:In a way, kind of. But only when I was deciding on which Divine Abilities would Elric choose. But unlike Solo Leveling, the subordinates like Omega, Rudra and the Six Generals are going to play a vital role in the end game of the Novel. Any more explanations will be spoilers. Besides, who doesn't like Solo Leveling? 😂

Hey there. Please read the reply I gave him. As for the clarification to your question, let me explain. Yes, I do read Solo Leveling (manhwa only) and it was indeed one of the inspirations. But it was never going to be identical to it. Because although I have written only outlines for the future arcs and the endgame of the novel, the subordinates are going to play a huge part in the story individually in upcoming arc because they won't be some mindless monsters who can only fight under orders. I already have plans to make them normal characters who will be introduced step by step and each of them will have their own unique personality and character traits. Because I can't always keep MC as a lone wolf and there will be a need of some auxiliary characters eventually. If you're up to date with the current chapters, you will know that Rudra & Omega will already play a big role and each of the Six Generals will also have their specialties and moments in the story. I personally hate nagging characters and damsels in distress who annoy the heck out of MC so rather than wasting the story on introducing some Romance interest, I'd use that to giving a meaning and purpose to his subordinates because *spoiler : Before the Demon God, Kahn will have to fight against the Demon Emperor first. And there, his subordinates will play a vital role in fighting the army of millions.* That's all I can tell you for now. I hope this gives you some sort of vision about what you can expect in the future.

ArashiTenebris:Wait, you also read Solo leveling ?, so can you tell us more about mc shadow power ?, because I want to see if there are more to it instead of just another full copy of 'Solo leveling' ability there (I don't mind spoiler as much), was getting a bit bored there so was find some with interesting setting. Though one question, what chapter the guy who review above readed ? (just want to know which chapter the author see this review and begin fix that problem he mention above)

Thank for the answer. Although I haven't read your yet :v, though it fine with that amount of spoiler, I notice you don't plant for romance interest yet, but are female character write decently ?, most author here tend to write 2D character rather than a actual real person. (one last question, are there are kingdom/base building and help some local become better ?, it just what I like), if you want some more idea in some topic like politic or similar then you can ask me, for example I recommend check 'Rule for rulers'. in your other reply I notice that you also have a bit problem with telling the skill/ability part without it being too 'info dump' ?. Then I recommend watch "On Writing: How to deliver exposition PART ONE [ Avatar l Matrix l Game of Thrones l Harry Potter ]" to make the 'info dump' on skill and ability thing more easier to digest (unless it a Auxiliary chapter). That all for now, I will check your novel soon

CrimsonWolfAuthor:Hey there. Please read the reply I gave him. As for the clarification to your question, let me explain. Yes, I do read Solo Leveling (manhwa only) and it was indeed one of the inspirations. But it was never going to be identical to it. Because although I have written only outlines for the future arcs and the endgame of the novel, the subordinates are going to play a huge part in the story individually in upcoming arc because they won't be some mindless monsters who can only fight under orders. I already have plans to make them normal characters who will be introduced step by step and each of them will have their own unique personality and character traits. Because I can't always keep MC as a lone wolf and there will be a need of some auxiliary characters eventually. If you're up to date with the current chapters, you will know that Rudra & Omega will already play a big role and each of the Six Generals will also have their specialties and moments in the story. I personally hate nagging characters and damsels in distress who annoy the heck out of MC so rather than wasting the story on introducing some Romance interest, I'd use that to giving a meaning and purpose to his subordinates because *spoiler : Before the Demon God, Kahn will have to fight against the Demon Emperor first. And there, his subordinates will play a vital role in fighting the army of millions.* That's all I can tell you for now. I hope this gives you some sort of vision about what you can expect in the future.

Yes, I have introduced only one female character of significance and she wasn't treated only like a damsel in distress (although the MC saved her twice) but her character is explored more in later chapters with an important plot. Eh.. You haven't read the chapters yet ?

ArashiTenebris:Thank for the answer. Although I haven't read your yet :v, though it fine with that amount of spoiler, I notice you don't plant for romance interest yet, but are female character write decently ?, most author here tend to write 2D character rather than a actual real person. (one last question, are there are kingdom/base building and help some local become better ?, it just what I like), if you want some more idea in some topic like politic or similar then you can ask me, for example I recommend check 'Rule for rulers'. in your other reply I notice that you also have a bit problem with telling the skill/ability part without it being too 'info dump' ?. Then I recommend watch "On Writing: How to deliver exposition PART ONE [ Avatar l Matrix l Game of Thrones l Harry Potter ]" to make the 'info dump' on skill and ability thing more easier to digest (unless it a Auxiliary chapter). That all for now, I will check your novel soon

Yup, not yet, but I going to read your soon

CrimsonWolfAuthor:Yes, I have introduced only one female character of significance and she wasn't treated only like a damsel in distress (although the MC saved her twice) but her character is explored more in later chapters with an important plot. Eh.. You haven't read the chapters yet ?

Wait, did you just raise the stars from 1 to 4 now ?, and too bad this site don't allow to edit the review back (which Royalroad review system are more superior). And can you give which chapter you can recommend to new reader to decide if it worth continue more ? (and how much chapter you had readed, it help assure them that you know what you talking and not review only for the early of novel)


The most recent fight has been amazing.