while it have good concepts and the logic behind on this fanfic is good enough i think there many thing can make it better, the mc here is hypocrite while he not the mc here he act and do think that any mc from xianxia do. is more like a recap of TODG than and fanfic for me, basicaly search important even than change it with him as MC. there barely any conversation in chapter, most of chapter contain a sort explanation what he do and there barely telling of the affect he done to the plot except what he planned to do. there no any important fight or training detail but more like heaven library and instant power up mention in some couple sentence. the character is is barely feel there because the character interaction is almost none only the result of what MC do. there no struggle at all what i see is just mc try to change the plot but there nothing change in timeline as he start to changing many thing. he change the result but there no significant change in future even.
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