
Review Detail of LiaFeil in Alternate (Naruto FanFic)



The story is good, doesn't feel forced, and there are no grammatical errors either (I might not be appropriate to say it because my own grammar is very messy XD) ... But unfortunately, this story is not my cup of tea ... I don't know the reason is, I just feel that this story doesn't suit me ...

Alternate (Naruto FanFic)





I like this review. No rude words, unnecessary commentary, or any real negative vibes. Thanks for the review and I hope you find the story your looking for


What a nice Author Reply review, nice, well constructed, easy to read the feelings put into it.

AlphaOmegaDelta:I like this review. No rude words, unnecessary commentary, or any real negative vibes. Thanks for the review and I hope you find the story your looking for

i'll give you a hint, this fic won't go far or step up on the rank ladder if you don't go the harem route because look, the curent king of fanfics or the past is always a harem

AlphaOmegaDelta:I like this review. No rude words, unnecessary commentary, or any real negative vibes. Thanks for the review and I hope you find the story your looking for

it's not because harem is the "right path" it's because almost everyone here is horny. I can't even bear to look at the 1st and 4th in power ranking without getting pissed off, nevermind finish them...

DearCompanion:i'll give you a hint, this fic won't go far or step up on the rank ladder if you don't go the harem route because look, the curent king of fanfics or the past is always a harem

welp bro i like the harem rote... but if the author can make a good non-harem i will read.... i just want a good fanfic naruto with a good romance.....

n740:it's not because harem is the "right path" it's because almost everyone here is horny. I can't even bear to look at the 1st and 4th in power ranking without getting pissed off, nevermind finish them...