
Review Detail of TheDevilYouKnow in Last Avatar



How annoying I wasn't logged in when I first made this review and it's gone; vanished when I clicked to post and it took me to the login screen. Anyway, I'm going to be paraphrasing my own review so it's not as coherent as the original. Writing quality: Small errors grammatically, easily fixed, mostly comma spacing. The author gets his point along clearly. I suspect the author is not a native English speaker and does very well considering, there was not one part of the story that I failed to understand. I won't comment on updating stability, to each his own. The author has good world-building centred around Hinduism, explains it quickly and concisely. The story is too short to comment on story development too much, but it's good so far. Author needs to be careful with the character development of the 'gods' they can't be too childish, cant feel empowered over what to them would be minor deeds.

Last Avatar



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