
Review Detail of ihateyounot in The World seems Realistic but Why do I have a Leveling System?



As of this review, 40 chapters have been posted. Writing is readable. Straightforward, not a lot of show-don’t-tell. Author has loose grasp on tenses, often switching between past and present tense. The story is okay, but I couldn’t be bothered to read it in detail mostly because the author writes their dialogues “ like this, “ instead of “like this,” and that is, to me, very annoying. A lot of text walls. The story seems reminiscent of ‘Only I Level Up’, except the protagonist is a girl and she is, for lack of better words, a total Mary Sue. Wish there was a more gradual levelling process instead of just heaping benefits on her that was disproportionate to the amount of effort she put in, kind of like the protagonist from ‘I am a Gamer’. But again, I don’t care. I wasn’t absorbed in the story in the least, IMO. But good for the author, that you have other readers who are actually reading the story properly, because I’m not and I won’t. All in all—OK story, needs editing. Good luck to the author and don’t stop writing if you can help it.

The World seems Realistic but Why do I have a Leveling System?





Whoops, I made a mistake—the actual title of the webtoon I was referring is ‘The Gamer’.


I LOVE THAT WEBTOON!!! omg I had that exact thought like two chapters in. I was like.... Why does this sound like the gamer? Wt- still trying to read it- ok well not trying that much but I am reading it! Wish me luck

ihateyounot:Whoops, I made a mistake—the actual title of the webtoon I was referring is ‘The Gamer’.