I'm passionate about reading and writing! Writing unleashes our deepest fantasies, bringing them to life and empowering us to share our visions with others. 💪🤗
Yhyh 🥰
I’m joking BYW
Will u marry me then? 🥺
Well it’s amazing for ur first one.
If people found out, Leo would be the target of the entire world. It’s heartbreaking thinking about it when he’s just a kid. Nether the less, Leo’s powers is exceptional. If he grows older he could summon even more complicated stuff like a fridge or something. Tnx for the chap author
She’s such a good mother. I wonder are u a mother urself author?
Thanks for the chap author
U seem like a fun person author
Dear author. I am reading ur book right now and would highly appreciate u not disturbing me with notifications like “QuillMistress liked ur comment” it would be very nice. Love u. Please don’t die until ur done with this book🙂