escaping my realities
Don’t worry. It’ll be out after Real Madrid finish playing💀. I’m praying for their downfall
Ooops. Well Liverpool just got out too yesterday. Hope Real Madrid stays in the UcL else Barca would have it easy
If you like. Try out a chapter in the 250s to see how my writing has improved. I don’t remember much of the earlier chapters and I’m too lazy to go back.
Naaa you’re not. It’s how our generation works. Now, even 30 years is seen as an old person when you have just literally live a quarter of the life God has given.
Wait. You’re young too. About 6 years older than me. You’re like same age as my sister.
What about you
Wait. What do you mean. 🫨
I’m not going there again. The romance in the tag is for the MC so I don’t want to touch on the love story of his mother. I just wanted to provide some warmth to the mother aside from her kids. So No. you won’t be hearing anymore of Miranda X Komi and I haven’t even continued with that in the later chapters since I don’t know how to write like that and I’m too lazy to research. Plus my mom would kill me
Hahahah. But what is done is done