says the gender who wants u to guess what they want to eat tonight while saying they dont care anything is good
im glad u are addressing how he views people after they acknowledge him now
author i really wish u would make up ur mind. this was the first book i read on webnovel and i havent dropped it as i usually get bored with books on here. you have a great concept but ur not updating it enough. i need a character index. i have no idea who people are anymore. u are taking too long to update and im not rereading a book that doesnt get updated often that would be a waste of my time as i will just forget it over next few months. so knowing me i will end up dropping novel not because i dont like it but because i dont have time to read 300+ chapters every few months whrn u release a new chapter
never a good sign whrn an author basically says u arent smart enough for my work
i rather live and die than spends centuries sitting with nothing but my thoughts. thats not life
hold on why didnt his system upgrade after spending more points yhan he ever has?
already knows about space qnd time remember?
ok so a girl thats been in prison for a month eating moldy food and poor conditions escapes prison and can go over power somone that isnt weakened by prison?
when trump first ran i didnt vote for him. i wasnt paying attention all like that until one day i was watching the news and i was like "wait what did they just say?" during the govt shutdown the whitehouse kitchen couldnt cook for the football players visiting white house so trump bought a ton of fast food for them. so he said he bought a mile high stack of hamburgers. now when i heard him say this i knew it was a figure of speech yet cnn really took a pic of the big macs at the event and counted them and measured a big mac and did the math and said it wasnt a mile high stack. they reported on it so seriously i thought it was a skit until the reporter said "i called the white house to ask them why trump has lied to american people yet again" and then he labeled this lie the 1400th(cant remember actual number) lie he has told american people. so then i started paying attention thinking that if they counted this as a lie then what else they counting as a lie. it was like pandoras box i opened. there were so many outrught lies by the press that it opened my eyes.like trump would post a meme of him giving a hero dog a medal of (PAW)ner and they said he shared a doctored photo... jim acosta saying "i called the whitehouse and asked why there was no scheduled medal of honor ceremony and why trump was telling people he gave a dog the medal of honor" then saying "just another lie from trump"