that's pretty cool dude but please do tell when you are combining words because I was going fucking insane trying to understand why I never heard about this word as for words similar to rah here is one شاهراه Shahrah made of the word shah (king or big) and rah (road) and we use it for calling main roads that everyone uses like highways it's a really good word for your novel because it has a word king in it which makes it cooler in every way
that's pretty cool dude but please do tell when you are combining words because I was going fucking insane trying to understand why I never heard about this word as for words similar to rah here is one شاهراه Shahrah made of the word shah (king or big) and rah (road) and we use it for calling main roads that everyone uses like highways it's a really good word for your novel because it has a word king in it which is cooler in every way
ای کیرم تو کونت
من هنوز نمی تونم اینو بفهمم آخه ما چه کلمه ای اینجوری ناموسا داریم کونمو پاره کردم چیزی رو پیدا نکردم I still don't understand this word. The closest thing to its the city of bassorah or a type of black rock that was used to divide Iranian lands after they were conquered by Arabs
like Iran's economy
idk man to be real with you. I'm Iranian and have never heard about this word, which is really weird
داداش یعنی چی من فارسیم هنوز نمیفهمم چی نوشتی ناموسا 😭
yeah It's a very unique novel