Synopsis: a group of people who are thirsty for blood appear to be angels who take life, their cruelty is able to make people afraid. But they are covered with poos faces and good looks like the Greek gods they have. Also there is not a single thing that is strange when you see them that they are psychopaths.
Call him William. William Fred Margeyunga. Don't worry, he doesn't bite, he just likes your blood. Hehehe
Williem is often referred to as Willi or ga ya Williem, with the long name Williem Fred Margeyuga, Williem's family residing in America and Williem in Indonesia, Willem is a mulatto between Indonesian and Korean Americans, so it's not surprising that Williem's handsomeness has been passed down from his parents.
William owns a sizeable company called Wllycrop, which was founded with the help of his father. Williem has two friends named Ray Mshadow Pasmakassa and Punjan Maharaja Sawa they have the same nature but different tasks. Williem really likes blood, he is also not a vampire but he likes blood like a bloodthirsty vampire. Unlike Ray, Ray doesn't like blood, he prefers to research and experiment, but what makes him crazy is his experiments using basic human ingredients, which are either the human body, the brain or the organs. For Punjan he is different, punjan prefers to sell, but what distinguishes him from people is that he sells human internal organs, for his survival, Punjan is rich, even his parents are but Punjan once said that he wanted to be independent and earn his own money. Williem joined his father's gang when he was still relatively young in his teens, his father named Xiander Fred Margeyuga became the successor to the gangster leader with Williem his successor. William also has an older sister named Tera.
One day when Williem was sitting in front of the house there was a girl named Navinka who managed to steal his eyes, Navinka who was slow, telmi made Williem extra patient with him, Navinka who had made Williem head over heels to get his heart made emotional when he saw Navinka making out with Navinka's old friend named Aksal and it succeeded in making Williem and his friends have a plan to destroy Navinka's friends with their respective tasks. Aksal, who was already in the hands of Williem and his friends, made Navinka angry when she found out about her friend's presence. And since then Navinka hates Williem, but instead of Willeim apologizing for what he and his friend did, Williem launches his second act to make Navinka his lover and whole. After a while, Navinka and Williem melted away, those who were about to make amends got a catastrophe, a gangster enemy from his father who would kill Navinka and Williem to avenge the death of his member Aksal. Navinka is scared again, and thinks whether she will lose the person she loves again?.
Galuh_Fifiana · 奇幻