Queen, a renowned author with an impressive reputation, lives in the busy, stressful world of literature. After years of relying on Mr. William as her loyal editor, Queen is faced with a major change. Mr. William decides to take a sabbatical, and his position is replaced by Seo-hoon or Jihoon, a charismatic and enigmatic publishing CEO. The first meeting between Queen and Seo-hoon was fraught with tension. Seo-hoon, with his cold and sharp professional demeanor, seemed hard to reach, while Queen felt pressured to prove her worth without Mr. William's support. The conflicts that arise between them are inevitable, but over time, the tensions begin to form a challenging and interesting work dynamic. Outside of the writing world, Queen faces her own personal life challenges. Her close friends Mey and Fika, who are also writers and editors, are an important source of support and encouragement. They had to balance the demands of college and work while supporting Queen in dealing with the pressures of the literary world and her family's disapproval of her career. Over time, Seo-hoon begins to show unexpectedly tender and complex sides of himself. The initial tension between Queen and Seo-hoon slowly turns into a deep and meaningful relationship. Queen must face the fact that behind their disagreements, there is the possibility for an unexpected and unfathomable love. Set against the backdrop of a literary industry full of intrigue and emotion, this story explores Queen's journey in balancing career and love, and how two seemingly disparate worlds can complement each other to form a compelling and meaningful story.
I'm Nabila Queensyaraine, a third-year student at a well-known university in Jakarta. My hobbies are reading and writing, so it's no surprise that many people dubbed me the "elite nerd". I'm always seen with my glasses and a book that I carry around with me. If I didn't pay attention to my appearance, I would probably be considered a nerd. I'm also a pretty good writer and one of the fifteen national writers who dared to take on international work. My life is always organized and productive with my busy life as a student and working for an international publishing . I live in an apartment near the university because the distance between home and campus is quite far. Therefore, I decided to live in an apartment to make it easier to commute to campus.
I often travel abroad to meet new editors or to collaborate with publishing companies on novels.I am so busy that I don't have time to think about relationships with men. My focus was only on college, work, and success.
"Hey Queen!" shouted Afika as she waved her hand, calling out to me who was sitting in the garden with a pile of files and a laptop faithfully accompanying her. She walked hand in hand with Meyka from the campus gate. They were both my best friends and close friends.
"What are you doing?" asked Meyka while sitting in front of me.
"As usual, revising my story chapter. What's up?" I asked.
"There's a class after this, right?" asked Fika.
"In 40 minutes. Ms. Geyna's class," I replied while glancing at the clock on my wrist.
"Are you going to Queen's apartment?" Meyka asked Fika.
" Yea ofcourse . I want to try out the PS5 that you just bought," Fika replied with a meaningful look at me.
"Oh my, is that why you're so adamant about going to my apartment today?" I asked incredulously.
"Yesterday you said you could, and you don't have a meeting today, right?" she said.
"I'm in my workspace, and if you turn on the TV loudly, I'll kick you out of my apartment. Don't disturb my work concentration," I said.
"Yes, yes. I understand. Just relax. You're coming, right, Mey?" asked Fika inviting Mey to come along.
"Oh my, my apartment could be destroyed," I thought to myself. Mey, who is hyperactive, when combined with Fika, who is a klutz, will definitely be very noisy.
"Okay, we'll come to Queen's apartment after class," Mey said, agreeing to Fika's invitation.
"Already, let's go to class. It's going to be a while," I said, packing my things and leaving the park.
"Don't cheat, okay? I'll go first, watch out if you win again because you keep cheating," fumed Fika who was busy playing with the PS sticks and bumped into Mey in the TV room.
"Oh my, completely ruined," I thought as I passed by the TV room and grabbed a glass of water from the kitchen.
"Can you guys play quietly? Don't be noisy, and here's all the junk snacks all over the carpet. I'll clean it up later, watch out!" I scolded as I joined them and sat on the sofa with a glass of warm water in hand, while Fika and Mey sat on the fur rug below.
"Yes, Queen, we'll do it later. Take it easy," Mey said without looking up from the TV screen.
"I'm hungry. You guys cook!" I said while rubbing my stomach, a sign of hunger.
"Just order. I'm busy," Fika replied while focusing on the TV screen.
"Oh my God, what are you doing? You're just doing that too," I said, looking strangely at Fika.
"Just order, Queen. I'll make sure my order is the same as yours," said Mey.
"Okay, I'll order through the app. What do you want to eat?" I asked while taking my phone from my hoodie pocket.
"MCD only," replied Fika.
"Yes, that's it. I'll go with the large burger," Mey said.
"Drink? Whatever I want!" I said, immediately ordering food online.
"I'm going back to work. I'll call you when the food delivery guy arrives, you guys take it downstairs! Turn down the volume on the TV," I said, walking towards the study.
"Oke ! Queen," replied Fika who was still focused on playing PS with Mey.
Inside my work space, I muttered, "How come I'm not in the mood to write a story?"
"I should have gotten more than 18 chapters. What's wrong with me, I'm suddenly in a bad mood?" I grumbled while turning the glass of water I was holding and daydreaming. Suddenly, a phone call woke me up.
"Who's calling at this time of night?" I grumbled as I picked up the phone from inside my hoodie.
"Oh, Zandaya," I said when I saw the assistant's name on the screen.
"Hello, Sya. I have something to tell you," Zandaya said when the line connected.
"What is it?" I asked, walking towards the desk.
"Your office editor is unable to attend tomorrow's meeting in Singapore," Zandaya said.
"Huh, then I'm alone?" I asked, leaning back in my chair.
"No, you remember the acquisitions editor who was at the meeting in LA last year?" asked Zandaya.
"Huh, who?" I asked, frowning. My mind immediately thought of someone I didn't like and our first meeting in LA was so bad, it ruined my mood at that time.
"That's the editor and CEO of ALSARGA Group," Zandaya explained, making my guess even clearer.
"Don't tell me that brash Korean guy I told you about last year?" I said, instantly stating what I was thinking.
"Yup, that's right. He will replace editor William during his absence and will accompany you to every meeting. I won't be able to come very often because I have a lot of work to do at the office," Zandaya explained.
"Can't you just find another replacement? I don't want him to be my editor, Zan," I refused.
"You can't, it's a decision from the President Director and no one dares to challenge it. Mr. William has also agreed to it," Zandaya said.
"Where are you now?" I asked.
"I'm in Vietnam, my fiancée's house. Why?" asked Zandaya