Gadin instead of Hamish no? unless now both Hamish and gadin want to take over braydon's body. especially since Hamish intended or has already left
10 out of 9 impressive and impossible as well. sort of like a vampire changing and becoming a blood dragon it is... never mind
wtf is assume this metaphor makes sense to ppl who understand the Chinese language/culture but i don't mean to be fussy but if reading certain novels requires being from that nationality then that requires a warning in advance & good slap as that's stupid as hell
uh huh. pretend i don't understand the Chinese language, oh wait a moment I'm not Chinese nor have I studied the Chinese language so pretending in this situation is totally unnecessary
magnanimous force? that's a new one
spot on. thx for the reminder. memory isn't what it...(insert lame joke about loss of memory)
Shay again. wowsers what a talent
think it's shi xu or something close
pretty sure her name isn't Shay but currently I have mental block on the name so I can't state it clearly either. so kinda redundant posting by me I know lol
innate factions? innate factors? not sure if auto-translate screw things up but damn i just started re-reading this novel of late and so many grammatical errors, not to mention just terrible mistakes in auto-correct.