I totally agree with you. The Novel had a great start but it dropped off extremly. Its the same for the first 1400 chaps... Train, competition, winning, necromancers and repeat. Its just boring as hell. Author has nice ideas but does not know how to write a story out of it. So in the end its just another "genius" competition. Again and again...
I guess because his Masters have no real Problem with Kumiho. So no need to anger her for no reason. He won. Its as simple as that. I get that you are disappointed, so am I, but I guess its what Author-san has given us
Since he is a League of Legends fan, maybe Master->Grand Master-> Challenger
Maybe it was locked and he wanted to illegaly access it 🤣
I really enjoyed thd Book up to chapter 800. It was a good read and very nice story. However I must say I am really disappointed by the Character development of the "side characters". Our main Character became too soft in my opinion and all the "main-side characters" somehow made a backwards development. They keep doubting our mc that saved their lives multiple times, made their lives better. Constantly leeching off of his achievements. I am really about to drop this novel after 1100 chapters because I can't take their childish behaviour anymore. It really is pissing me off. Being ungratefull and undermining his every decision makes me angry. If it does not get better until chapter 1300 I al dropping it.
The word play :)
Why are they too close to use spells? I thought the owner of the spell does not get hurt?
I mean technically he found the Forgemaster Prof of the 5th year??
couldn't instead of can't
*What if all those things never happend? Stuff is a weird word to use in sentences