I'm me.
hate these novels, that everyone goes to school for multiple years just for hunter knowledge and then 3 pages later mc runs into extremely important info that how the fuck it isn't taught to them or mentioned by their parents
does ot ever say what happened to the epic corpse he killed when he got the queen corpse or did author forget about it?
Never tire, Never hunger, Never fear
"All class magnus" of course half the fights are with a sword who would have thought
lol blows my mind with how bad of a guild master author makes him then covers it up with plot armor. like surprise people that run the guild for me I just decided to open a new branch way over here good luck let me know when it's up and running I'm gonna go finish this quest which will probably take me to another place where you can't reach me again
disappeared when the hole closed I guess
after like 1000 chapters still waiting for him to get some managers to help Smile and aqua so they can focus on getting strong/better but plot armor keeps them still up to date with people they sole focus on it lol
now only if he would have used the mini world to boost it
still cheaper than all the god crystals he needs for all the other shit to upgrade lol
lol mc way of doing everything just throw money at it. we will just clear this thing in a way that only I can do so you all will be fuck after I leave and completely forget about you again until I need you to slave for me