if you feel like i'm bashing you or your novel , please don't hate me. i'm just pointing out some mistakes/inconsistencies on your work. instead of hating me , learn from it and improve.
where did you go bro? i want to see him slap the gorosei faces!
man i feel he is nerfed for the sake of drama. he was already drawing the bow with arrows already notched and yet he still has to wait for the commander to babble commands , the assassins go invi and archer draw thiers. the MC should have fired already just right after the enemy appeared and he keeps on shooting his AOE arrows towards the enemy letting them block it. ever heard of shooting it to the ground? hello? it's friggin' AOE!!! so much bullshit and nerfing for the sake of stupid drama.
why nerf the MC? this is ridiculous!
the submarine idea is pretty stupid imo! i mean , can't he just build his spaceship all purpose? it can freaking survive in outer space so why not make it a transformer like thing where it can also become a deep submarine.
just kill that waste of an oxygen and take that boosted gear for himself and improve it with his tech!
it's fine if your going for a slow one but by the looks of it , when the MC reach the war of the best , it will be like 700+ chapters already! goodness by your 1 chap a day release , it will nearly be 2 years. if if you say doing pat.reon , it will not be worth it as each filler like chapters are not worth buying! readers read so they don't get bored you know!
pick up the pace bro , you're too slow! no one will buy a product full of air.
because there is too much useless idle talks! pick up the pace already!
Miko of No Game No Life!!!
the worlds selections are too weak. go to one piece or dxd as the power level in there will match him. also is it wrong to pick up girls in dungeon?