An avid but boring/lazy reader. Who's job is starting to get busy, so starting to lose the lazy part, along with some boring parts becoming exciting. Let's go Locksmiths!
Chiron is a Centaur, half horse half man, a Minotaur is a half bull half man.
Definitely looking forward to this
Why did you increase the cost of tickets from 1 ticket to 2 tickets to unlock a chapter?
Absolutely amazing book by the way, loving it!
No problem, sorry if I came off sounding rude. Very true, anything related to Sparda gets a little weird. What is DxD by the way, I know that's where a portion of his powers come from as it was stated, but is it a novel or something?
No hablo Spanish I only understand English and a little bit of Afrikaans
True, but it's different when you do "surgery" on yourself compared to Surgeons, doing said surgery
Also, thanks for the chapter!
I'm so looking forward to his response if they bring up surgery, cause he did already try cut off his tail.
Absolutely loving this story!