I’m sleepy😴
I never understood this. Why would u be angry that ur opponent spared u? U lost! By all definitions whatever the winner does to the loser is fair, but instead of killing u or making u his slave, he spared u. Gave u an out or opportunity to get stronger. WHY ARE U MAD AT THT????
I thought he died from an illness in the movies too tho?
Wat anime is this?
Mannn yall done bullied the author to write their own fic😭
🎶use the sleeves my sweater. Let’s have an adventure! Head in the clouds but my gravity’s centered. Touch my neck! N I’ll touch urs! U in those lil high waisted shorts ohhhh~🎶
U never needed to do that before tho🤨
Wait wat issue is this???😭
So…u basically gave it life then told it to kill itself😭
Why did Harry and Peter stop being friends in the movies again?