


We playin

2018-11-23 加入Egypt




  • Saberswordguy
    Saberswordguy4 days ago
    回復 King_Of_SpaceTime

    Give me a credible paper/study saying 70% of Christians believe Jesus is not god if not then I’ll consider this conversation over since you refuse to acknowledge your lie. And use Google for all I care. I wish I was wrong about you.

  • Saberswordguy
    Saberswordguy4 days ago

    I just want to argue?? Dude your calling Mormonism Christianity I don’t need this in my life anymore. I thought you were some logical person and all of a sudden you pull this out. What is going on it’s always like this with you and your opinion trumps all. Even when scholars and evidence says otherwise you can’t be debated with your an absolute disappointment I thought I could actually have a conversation with you.

  • Saberswordguy
    Saberswordguy5 days ago
    回復 Saberswordguy

    *Is not god* that was a typo

  • Saberswordguy
    Saberswordguy5 days ago
    回復 King_Of_SpaceTime

    You have no accountability whatsoever do you. You simply go from one place to the next. I already told you I don’t care about your anecdotal evidence. [][[[]][]][[[[[First admit that all the time you said “””oh the other gospels deny jesus was god””” we’re a huge mistake and you are absolutely wrong on that. Then give me a credible source that says 70% OF FLIPPIN “CHRISTIANS” believe Jesus is god. Mormons are not Christian’s they are a damn cult that[[]][[[]][[[[[[]][[ and unlike you i will tell you why they are a cult without telling my lifes story

  • Saberswordguy
    Saberswordguy5 days ago
    回復 King_Of_SpaceTime

    Conclusion there is no fault in my theology spacetime If I align myself with scripture I should consider Jesus as “god the son” And majority of Christian’s believe the same thing and you still lied about that 70% of Christian’s who deny Jesus as god.

  • Saberswordguy
    Saberswordguy5 days ago

    So this man barterhman really threw you under the bus by making all of you quote him then just retracting it 😭

  • Saberswordguy
    Saberswordguy5 days ago
    回復 King_Of_SpaceTime

    I’m not paying for anything so I’ll use someone from Google who paid for this obvious fact jesus was divine in all the other gospels

  • Saberswordguy
    Saberswordguy7 days ago
    回復 King_Of_SpaceTime

    You better back up your claim with some actual evidence because all the studies I see show that majority of Christians believe Jesus is god. And I’ve seen tons of debate on the trinity and just John alone destroys any claim jesus is not god and if you don’t believe John is authentic then there really isn’t much else to talk about you deny scripture and that’s for you to reconcile with and no longer my problem. I’ve entertained you enough with you denying scripture and you just misinterpreting my points, Now your just lying and I’ve lost any respect I had for you goodbye.

  • Saberswordguy
    Saberswordguy7 days ago
    回復 King_Of_SpaceTime

    So you believe that Jesus is the son of god but not god? But where do you get the statistics where 70% of people believe that. It’s certainly not Islam which is the second largest religion. It’s not Hinduism either or Buddhism none of them believe Jesus is the son of god. So what are these 70% of people? Jehovahs witnesses? Mormonism?

  • Saberswordguy
    Saberswordguy7 days ago

    Those pagan religions have nothing to do with Jesus and his teaching. The trinity was seen in the Old Testament and the Jews at those times understood there was more than one persons of the godhead yet still believed it was 1 god. I got into this conversation because you were being very bad faith by claiming the actions of bad individuals represented the faith(the evil people claiming to do the work of god but commiting sin)as a whole but it should be the creed of the religion. You also said that Christianity is the job of the pope which is horrible wording and should’ve said that “the popes job is using Christianity”because in no way do all people become Christian’s just for a persons job it’s a ridiculous claim. And there are more absurd and sinful religions that you could have a problem with but you chose the one that contributed greatly to the morality the people of today love thy neighbor and etc.