Mascot costumes, butt plug tails, strap-ons, and gimp suits from the Slaneshy corner of the multiverse have infected a Naruto verse. When bonded to a human, they fuse and transform the human into a furry. A powerful Weeb lifeform that desires nothing more than to drag the world back into the Slaneshy realm, with an event called Yiffageddon. Lex, a cultivator from a distant universe, was dispatched to the infected world to prove his capabilities. He's charged with stopping or slowing down the progress of Yiffageddon. If he can't, other Naruto verses will fall in a chain reaction called the Yiffvergence, creating a new chaos god. Can he stop the furries, or is he too late? Warning this means I have to add nearly every fetish I can think of whether I like it or not. I'm going to keep it as necessary as possible but this is going to be a little graphic for those with weak constitutions get out now.