When he has more freedom, he has to search for holocrons around the galaxy to elarn, not just sith, but jedi to master everything. Good story bro, really good.
I stayed to read till the before quitting, i dont understand anything bro, why nagato a si, is so stupid, picking fights, following people and calling them uncle why? 10 chapters before he murdered a lot of people, and out of nowhere he confess crimes? why?now he is in a school of heroes fighting? why? i dont understand, you did everything possible to make him a villain, and then you give us 10-15 chapters of corny stupidity and schoolyard fighting for nothing at all more than to make some kind of drama that failed, i dont understand how, but you managed to make one of the best characters of all anime into a retarded child. Good luck with your story.
The first thing i do is ask for a new team.
I am really confused, didnt he retrieved his memories? or is he someone that didnt watch the flash in his past life? or he hasnt killed anyone in his past life?, maybe i remember wrong, sorry. Good story anyways.
Looking good, altough annoyed with all the *asterisks* I really want to know when he is, what age he is. Good job.
I really want a couple with hailley steinfield sigh... Good story anyways.
Ireally hate ned stupidity, he and his wife are the bane of house stark, poor robb didnt have a chance in the books, and well, with lannister plot armors no matter what, they would always loose.
F*CK, you kill me with the wait, good chapter like always.
As long you dont make a unnescesary drama its okay, i mean a love triangle its really annoying in a ffc, i dont know why, but it is. Good story anyways, i liked what you made here bro, i mean, its a "romance" episode but with moments that add to the story, its not a bland boring episode.