The guy that writes the best Undead stories :p Never Hunger Never Tire Never Fear
not really, i'm not thinking of fully stripping him of humanity. Otherwise he's just another undead.
10 chapters of Previlege have been released, good sir. so enjoy yourself. i had to take some time off to prepare them. tmr will be the start of usual updates
yeah i'm updating the privilege i setup for this month, might take one or two days. But you'll have 10 more chaps to read once they're all out
don't worry, i still have so much more planned that these situations that feel like he is 'strong' would feel comical.
yes each grade have their own simultanious event going on
the lantern makes everyone perceive him as human. So they will see the body heat regardless of the fact that he is undead
thank you for your review, (also i appreciate the gifts, I see you<3)
yeah this stupid autocorrect changed it, it's the Gelder Blade
the thing is, you shouldn't call him stupid, because he is a man who lived his entire life in a protected area. He was thrown into reality stripped from his well-being and into a world of magic and monsters, being depressed and scared and frustrated Is actually a sign of adaptation and mental fortitude, others would have gone insane
books are too high level for him