Unlocking more drops that *can't* be dropped perhaps?
...... for some reason, I doubt that.
so, one could hypothetically taunt then run away on a mount for a perma cc against most enemies?
beauty: something that is aesthetically pleasing still has that property. A beautiful rose is still beautiful, with or without comparison to another flower. Worth rocket fuel vs 98 octane gasoline. Even if rocket fuel wasn't a thing, gasoline would still be useful. lethality: a knife is still lethal, even if guns are more so, with or without the presence of guns. (sometimes even with) The properties of something are inherent and real, thus, they do not require comparison to exist. Taking a euphemism for personal preference too literally is a no from me.
Neither of which are inherently a sin.
To reiterate on the topic strength and authority in regards to respect. Just because one has strength and authority does not mean others respect them. strength and no authority, does not mean other respect them. Authority and no strength does not mean others respect them. Ultimately neither strength nor authority guarantee respect. Inverse also being true, having both, or one aspect doesn't mean others cant respect them. Furthermore even someone without those aspects can still be respected. Thus while there is a correlation between strength and authority in regards to respect, it's not causation. Someone with one is more likely to have the other 2, but it's no guarantee.
You are straying further from the original conversation. Nothing you have said here stands contradictory to what I have said, and is in fact able to stand alongside my statement without conflict. The tone that you have chosen makes it seem like you are trying to incite a debate at best or an argument at worst.
that doesn't disprove my point though. that example is a matter of threat and power plays, not respect.