Yeah. His spear also grows with him, my mistake in not specifying it
Whitebeard and that guy use the same type of weapon, it's called Bisento if I'm not mistaken
I think not, just ramdons, I'm already tired of Mc with swords, even with a scythe it would look good but the spear seemed great to me.
true, but I'm very new to writing so ignore that hahaha, I'll improve
a year with the MC being 29 years old and Hancock being 28
Now that you mention it, I started reading the chapter and found the mistake, it's a demo version that I made months ago, in a while I'll post the actual chapter that I personally wrote, apologies, I'm just getting started and I make silly mistakes.
This time I wrote it directly in English
I was typing without paying attention, I'll edit it later, thanks for pointing that out.
I was typing without paying attention, I'll edit it later, thanks for pointing that out.
I got distracted while writing