In all reality there are always two halves of the Phaethon. This is a story of a glitch, a crack in the precipice of existence, where only one half of the Phaethon exist. A story of the Hollow Hearted, a story of the Fallen Phaethon, a story of Darkness, Despair, and Deception... This is a story of the Black Sun... (Originally Uploaded in AO3 - A Darker Take On ZZZ, led by a Morally Bankrupt Belle going for World Domination) (Finished Vision Corpo, Belobog, and Case of Missing Bangboo. Updates Every Even Days, I've timed it until... 2nd January. After that, just check the author's note)
"Down the building and to the end of the hallway, watch for the kitty cat on your left," a voice spoke from the intercom.
There was a crashing of glass followed by gunshots. Voices called out from behind them as Anby led the group through the corridors of the building. Bullets grazed her cheeks, though it left no scar nor scrape, things have been different ever since the Cunning Hares agreed to help Belle.
"Anby!" Nicole exclaimed.
"In position," there was a flash of blue lightning and Anby's blade met razor sharp claws. A pair of cat-like eyes met hers and the two glared at one another. Sparks flew and the two turned into a blur. It was a scuffle like any other for Anby, her sword running on 25% power, this is business, but she doesn't wish to kill the cat.
"Come on!!! How is this fair nya!?" The cat girl exclaimed, sending numerous strikes at Anby who deflected each one with her blade. "We stole that first, fair and square! Just give it back! I'll tell the boss to let you guys off the hook!"
The footsteps began to disappear behind them, Nicole and Billy disappeared away with the rest of Red Fang Gang close on their tails. "My apologies, but my benefactor wants the content of the safe," she back flipped and struck the cat girl again before she can pursue the rest. "It's better if you go home now, kitty cat, it's dangerous out here,"
"It's Nekomiya Mana nya! Get it right you soldier wanna be!" Nekomiya exclaimed before sending a flurry of strikes at Anby's direction. "Just tell your benefactor you dropped it somewhere!!!"
Personally, Anby could care less about beating Nekomiya. The amount of equipment upgrades and the strange thing Belle did to her, has turned her into a superhuman. She can take care of this cat anytime she wants. But another, more selfish part of her, wants to keep this cat company so she won't get caught up in Belle's little scheme.
"Anby, you're gonna miss the fireworks," Belle's voice came from her headphones.
"Sorry, I'm a bit busy, let everyone know I'll catch up," Anby replied.
Nekomiya's eyes narrowed, her keen eyes picking up what they just said. "Fireworks? What are you..." her eyes widened in realization and she blitzed away from Anby. "BOSS!"
Anby sprinted, trying to keep up with the cat. There's really no beating Nekomiya in a footrace. The white-haired girl ducked under numerous items and objects thrown at her to shake her off. A box, a kunai, a TV with an angry reporter in it, a bag of mackerel, but Anby was undeterred. She managed to tackle the cat just as she slammed the door open.
Right there, on the room, the Rad Fang Gang faced off against the Cunning Hares. Both Billy and Nicole were cornered in front of a bullet proof glass leading to a few hundred story drop right into a Hollow. The two, however, especially Nicole, has that smug grin on her face.
"Oi, Anby, you're almost late to the party," Nicole said, ignoring Silver Tears who are just ready to attack.
"Sorry, I got caught up by a stray," Anby said, pinning Nekomiya down as she struggled with all her might.
"Don't worry Anby! The Starlight Knights sidekick are known to be fashionably late!" Billy struck another pose. "Surrender now villains!!! You have come face to face with the Starlight Knight Billy!" he twirled his gun. "Justice come swiftly if you lay down your weapon!!"
Silver Tears, the leader of the Red Fang Gang started crying. "Y-you... why!?" he cried. "You're the Cunning Hares, a Hollow Raider like us!! Why!? Why must you..." he wiped some tears off his face. "Why must you steal from us!? We have a common enemy!!!"
"Sorry sweetie, but it's nothing personal," Nicole replied. "You got something we want and our SOP says we gotta take it~"
Appearance can be deceiving, Anby noted. Silver Tears is the type to cry a lot, but his tears are as real as Belle's smile. He brandished his knife as all his men raised their weapons. "Then, then... I will take you on! Cunning Hares!!!"
"Take us on? Why, we are not your enemy Silver dear~" the moment Nicole said that, a gigantic silhouette of an Attack Helicopter looms behind the window, its guns aimed right at all of them, rockets ready to blow them up to kingdom come. Nicole glanced back at the helicopter. "Hold on sweetie, let me say piece,"
Nicole cleared her throat. "Ahem, as I was saying," she and Billy made a pose, gesturing at the Helicopter. "We are not your enemy, they are your enemy!"
A blast of smoke exploded out of Nicole's suitcase and the Cunning Hares disappeared. The rest of the Red Fang Gang, who could barely react, found themselves gunned down to oblivion by the Attack Helicopter. The floor rippled like water as rockets were thrown wildly at the building, the sound of curse and bloody murder rang from the Red Fang Gang and a TV showing the news beside them.
Anby tightened her grip on Nekomiya and tried to pull her away from the blast zone as Nicole and Billy led her back into the collapsing building. "Settle down kitty cat, we're saving your life," she whispered.
"To hell with my life you murderer!!!" Nekomiya struggled with all her might and just as Anby dodged a falling rubble the cat wriggled out of her grip. "Boss!" she yelled running back to the blast zone.
Anby tried to turn around, but Nicole grabbed her hand. "Forget about her! We gotta scram!!!" Nicole exclaimed.
"Wait boss!!" Billy said, optics wide. "She stole the safe!!!" an outline of the safe blinked in his hands.
Nicole froze, took a deep breath, and turned back to Billy. "You had ONE JOB tin can!!!" she pulled a 180 and ran after Nekomiya. "Change of plans, catch that cat!!!"
The Cunning Hares ran through the corridor in pursuit of Nekomiya. The floor cracked and the wall crumbled around them. Billy smashed through walls, carving path while Anby expertly helped the other navigate through collapsing floor.
Soon, they made it to the gaping hole, what's left of the blast zone. The attack helicopter already flew away, leaving destruction in its wake. Nekomiya crouched right at the edge of the building, gazing down at the hollow below her. She glared at the rest of the Cunning Hares before tossing the safe right into the Hollow.
"FUCK!" Nicole was about to jump right at the Hollow when Anby grabbed her from behind. "Shit! That safe is literally... ARGH!" she groaned in frustration dropping next to Nekomiya. "You stupid cat!"
"If it's so important to you, why don't you jump in and get it!?" the cat girl yelled, tears streaming down her face. "You'd kill a dozen people just to get that thing, don't you? Surely, it's worth more than your life!" she lowered her head. "Th-this is... way too cruel dammit... we didn't..."
Nicole narrowed her eyes. "You're the Red Fang Gang, don't act like you're on top of some moral high ground, you kill for dennies just like us!"
"We don't kill in cold blood!!!" Nekomiya lunged and grabbed Nicole by her shirt. "You didn't give a chance to surrender, you just..." She bit her lip and looked. "We... we never see you as enemy! We're just... a rival, we're just your rival... and now you..." she stood up. "And now Silver Tears is... ahhhh! Screw it! You will pay for this Cunning Hares!!!"
Nicole watched as Nekomiya let go of her and jumped head first into the Hollow. Anby tried to catch her, but Billy was quick enough to grab her hand. "I... will have to talk with Belle after this..." Nicole sighed a little and sat down. "Okay, let's just... calm down. We'll go look for the safe inside the Hollow after..."
The floor creaked below them and gravity began to take hold. Nicole was quick enough to jump back, but Billy and Anby slipped and fell right into the Hollow.
"Starlight Knights, away!!!" Billy exclaimed as he fell.
"We'll look for the safe, in the meantime, get Belle to retrieve us!" Anby said as she and Billy vanished into the Hollow.
At the top, Nicole put a hand on her chest. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" she took a step back, hands trembling. "There's no such thing as karma, there's no such thing as karma, there's no such thing as karma," she whispered the mantra to herself, Nekomiya's last words ringing in her ears.
I actually want to start the story here instead of the phone call... But eh, too late for that..