
Zhoro's Universe:Loose Screws

" Loose Screw- A mentally unstable person 'If that's what a Loose Screw is, then we all are...' He's not sure who he is as a person but he's sure that he will escape from the glorified prison that he inhabited.

iam_adh · 奇幻
17 Chs


They were supposed to be "outside" but they were still inside the Yemince building.

The room was approximately 100,000 meters. The ceiling was a video playing a motion-filled sky. The clouds were wispy and the bright "sunlight" made it so you could almost see through them. The side of the walls showed an illusion of the place being a field. The grass was cut short and overlapped perfectly with the fake grass that covered the floors.

It looked and felt real but upon closer inspection one would notice how a generated wind would flow every fifteen seconds and how the light would dim ever so slightly every thirty seconds.

Upon the crowd of thirty six people a familiar face quickly made their way towards Auo's direction. Her hair covered her eyes and she had her head slightly down.

"Hi," she said quietly.

"Ahira!"Beck began, "Glad to see you again. I'm assuming you've made these three handsome lads your friends, eh?"

Since Auo was closer to Beck, Beck put his hand on his shoulder and shook him slightly, catching Auo off guard.

"I-I guess. They are the only ones I feel comfortable with. My roommates are very energetic and it's hard for me to get to know them because they talk a lot."

"Who are your roommates?" Marcus asked.

"Lyca, Mirna and Kelya," she responded while pointing at three distinctive girls a quarter of the way across the field.

Lyca had long red hair that reached her lower back and had peacock blue eyes. She was pale and tall, possibly 5'9 or 5'10, and she had a prepubescent body. Mirna was short like Ahira but an inch or so taller. She had brown hair that reached her shoulders and thick brown eyebrows. She had almond skin and her eyes were a golden brown.

Kelya was an average height girl with a bodacious body. She had curves in all the right places and even a muscular tone. Her skin was espresso and her eyes were a deep purple.

They were surrounding Mosco and Auo couldn't help but feel he was blushing from all of the attention.

"What do you look like without your mask on!" Lyca asked.

"I want to see if your face is as great as your eyes," Mirna giggled.

"Stop harassing the man! I'm sorry Mr. Mosco, these two girls don't know how to stay in their lane," Kelya said sternly.

Marcus sighed.

"I wish I had that same attention."

Auo ignored him and turned to Ahira.

"Kelya seems like a good match for you. How come you don't like her?"

"It's not that I don't like her she's just very confident in herself and her abilities, I could never be like her."

"Oh so you're insecure?" Ni posed.

Marcus hit Ni in the shoulder.

"What? I would be too, just look at Kelya's body!"

Ahira blushed from embarrassment.

"Don't mind him Ahira", Auo assured, "You're beautiful. Especially your eyes. Don't ever let anyone tell you that you're not."

Ahira blushed further.

"T-thank you, I've never had anyone say that to me before."

"What a ladies man!" Beck exclaimed.

"I was just like you when I was your age, glad to see at least one of ya has the charms."

Auo shrugged.

'If telling the truth is considered charming these days then the sky must be orange.'


A whistle blew and everyone turned their attention to the front of the field, where the noise came from.

"Hello everyone, I'm Alix and I'll be your leader for today," he enunciated.

Alix was a black haired brown eyed man with a stupendous muscular build. Some of his hair covered his left eye and he had a missing tooth yet all the girls seemed to adore him.

"We'll be playing capture the flag." Alix announced.

Auo frowned, he was never into physical sports and the thought of him running and sweating eluded him. Auo looked around the room to see if anyone else was having the same dilemma as he when he raised an eyebrow.

Most of them looked happy, joyful in fact. He frowned even further.

"Instead of one team against another we'll be playing with four teams. Does anyone have any questions before we start?"

A girl with short black hair and dark tawny eyes raised her hand.

"How do you play capture the flag?"

Alix smiled, showing his missing molar and made the girl blush.

"Thank you for reminding me, I had a feeling I was forgetting something. There are two teams, in this case four. Each team has an end zone, in this end zone there is a flag. The goal is for your team to capture all of the flags-"

Another girl raised her hand. She had wavy orange hair and carrot-colored eyes.

A flash of irritation spread across Alix's face but he quickly turned it into a smile.

"How can you stop the other team from grabbing the flag?" The girl asked.

"By tagging the person on the other team. This, in turn, will send that person to 'jail'. Once in jail a player cannot leave unless another player from the same team risks the chance of getting tagged as well and taps the person in jail on the shoulder. Once a person is tapped on the shoulder, they are a free man, and they must quickly make it back to their end zone before getting tagged again."

Alix scanned the room to see if there were any more hands raised.

"Your territory will be marked with cones. Once someone of the opposite team enters your territory the opposite team may tag the player that intruded on their field. Once out of the territory, however, anyone is free to tag anyone, it's essentially a free for all. Each team will have a color so that distinction between teams is easier."

He paused, went in his right pocket and pulled out his Minc phone. A couple of taps later, a timer was displayed behind Alix. Alix looked around the room once more to see if anyone had their hands raised.

"Are there any more questions? No? Good. You must find nine people within one minute to be teammates with. Ready, set, go!"

Everyone scrambled to find teammates.