
Bab 36

We're speeding towards the Royal Navy when it finally occurs to me that my sister only wanted to come with me because she didn't know the others. Laughing to myself, I decide to take the opportunity to get to know her better and begin asking her questions about her own time in our old world. This seems to excite her as she delivers story after story with enthusiasm. Thanks to this, the trip goes rather quickly and before long, we are ripping through the skies over Royal Navy. 

The minute those on the ground spot my jet, they launch their own planes to try and protect their skies from intruders but they are no match for our speed. Laughing, I don't even bother contacting them to let them know it's me. To be fair, they do have a reason to be suspicious since they've never seen the new planes I received before. Still, those propeller-driven deathtraps aren't a threat so there is simply no need for me to radio. 

Jiangsu: [Is that the flak I've always heard about?]

Looking behind us, I spot what she's talking about and true enough, Flak fills the air but I have no idea how they plan on shooting down a jet travelling at over 2,000 km/h with it. Laughing, even more, I mock them by going in a loop before returning to my original course. Jiangsu seems to enjoy it too, giggling away as she watches their feeble attempts at shooting us down. Still, before she goes thinking they are the enemy, I point out that they are actually our allies here and simply don't recognise us. 

Some minutes later, we arriving in Liverpool to find them waiting on us but despite their best efforts, we still breach their defences with ease as I continue making my way to the dorms. 

Me: [Think you can fly?]

Jiangsu: [Really? Do you really mean it? I'll get to fly your plane?]

I have no idea why she's so excited but I do give my consent and quickly explain the plan to her as I slow down to make it work. Excitedly, she unbuckles herself and climbs over into my lap, taking the controls. After making sure she can indeed pilot the aircraft, I point out where we need to go and she descends to the perfect height as I open the canopy.

Me: [Have fun but don't go crashing. Don't go far either because we did burn most of the fuel to get here quickly.]

Jiangsu: [Kay!]

She gently lifts herself out of my lap to allow me to get up without her needing to let go of the controls. As we come over to the dorms, I kiss her on the forehead and remind her never to try this before jumping. The forward momentum from the plane sends me straight into the courtyard, creating a small crater as I land. The girls there are surprised to see me but I can't tell whether it's because of how I entered or because I had vanished. 

Before they can ask the questions I see building upon their faces, however, I say hi before bolting to the stairway. If I'm not mistaken, Hood said she was in room 305...which should be on the..., not this building. Turning, I notice that 305 is actually on the second floor of the opposite building. 

Laughing to myself, I sprint across the courtyard and up the stairs. When I get to the door, I test the knob and find it open. Pushing the door, I find the room dark, only lit by the light now coming in through the opened door. Enterprise is on the only bed in the room, completely covered and unmoving. The room itself is a mess. There's trash everywhere. I wasn't even aware people could survive in such conditions. 

As I walk in, I close the door behind me, making sure to lock it so others can't enter. Flipping the light on, I make my way over to her and find that she doesn't even respond to my entrance. It's sad to see her like this and it causes tears to form as I come to a stop beside her. 

Enterprise: Go away! Just leave me to-

Me: To do what, exactly?

There's silence in the room as I all but hear the gears turning in her head. Still, it's not long before she turns and confirms it's me with her eyes. Flying out of the bed, she surprises me by jumping into my arms, wrapping legs and arms around me as she does. Even more shocking, she kisses me on the lips though it doesn't surprise me enough for me to part them and allow her to continue.

Enterprise: You're alive.

Me: You stink.

Silence fills the room once more before we both burst out laughing. She lets go, standing on her own two feet once more but I don't allow her to step away, instead, pulling her into a hug. She whines about needing to take a bath first but I point out that she's already dirtied me and she has no counters to my argument so she concedes. 

Enterprise: I thought you were gone...

Hushing her, I keep her close, reminding her that I really am here now and that I am okay. Our moment soon gets interrupted, however, as the sounds of battle finally break in.

Enterprise: We're under attack? I-

Me: You need to come with me. Don't worry about all that.

Enterprise: But-

Me: You were willing to sit it out a moment ago, you'll do so now. Besides, if you were to go up against my little sister I am pretty sure she'd kill you much like Dalian nearly did when she first saw you. 

Enterprise: I...wait, little sister? 

Me: Long story. I'll tell you about it but first, let's get you to a bath.

I don't wait for her answer, instead just checking that she is dressed enough to make it there before pulling her to the door. With my upgraded sensors, I easily detect the girls listening in on our conversation and decide to have a little fun. Knowing full well it won't kill them, I tell Jiangsu to open fire on my location using the autocannon. Much to my surprise, she doesn't even hesitate and before long, the wall is ripped open by gunfire.  2

As the jet thunders overhead, I thank Jiangsu before comically opening the door that is now missing its accompanying wall and step through. Outside, I find all the girls lying in the rubble, some crying others seemingly dazed. 

Enterprise: Did you-

Me: Their fault for spying, isn't it girls?

Laughing, I pull Enterprise along as she stares at them in shock. As we make it to the stairway, however, one finally recovers and stands. She shouts something about me being mean but her movement alerts Jiangsu who opens fire again, knocking her into Enterprise's room. This earns another round of laughter from me and even Enterprise can't avoid laughing this time. After all, the force of the blasts did bend her in ways we would never be able to describe. 

Me: [Alright. No more shooting.]

Jiangsu: [How did I do?]

Me: [Perfect. You were perfect.]

As she begins rejoicing, I turn my attention back to Enterprise and quickly lead her away from the scene before others turn up. We arrive at the bath soon after, and to her dismay, there are people there. Unbeknownst to her, however, I have no intention of sharing the bath and before long, every single girl in there is running out as though being chased by death. Laughing, I pull her in after commanding the girls to stand guard and make sure no one enters. 

Enterprise: You know, you can be very scary when you want to be.

Me: I'll take that as a compliment. 

She tries talking some more but I put a finger on her lips before telling her to strip. She seems surprised by the command but instead of waiting on her to comply, I simply strip her myself before pulling her over to one of the faucets. 

After getting out of my own clothes, I have her sit in between my legs so I can scrub her hair without standing. She complies and before long, I have managed to scrub the dirt out of her hair. Moving on to her body, I start with her back, scrubbing all the dirt away before moving on to her front. She tenses as my breasts touch her soapy back but I don't let it stop me, scrubbing her chest, cleavage and breasts before moving on. Skipping her centre, I do her legs and feet next, making sure she sits down so she doesn't slip and fall. When I finish, however, I stop. 

As we look into each other's eyes, I can tell what she wants me to do next but I have no intention of indulging her. I only did this much because I knew she wouldn't do it otherwise. Still, now that we are here...

Me: Your turn.

She looks conflicted at first, half disappointed half excited but she quickly takes the rag (some places call it a towel) from me and starts repeating what I did to her, to me. When she gets to my breasts, however, I can feel her breathing heavily as she stops. Laughing, I turn to face her and find her even redder than when I had washed her. 

Me: Now, now. Don't go having a heart attack on me. Don't tell me you can fight and kill without fear but simply washing someone off terrifies the great Grey Ghost. 

I continue teasing her, dodging her feeble attacks as I do before returning to her so that she can continue. Thanks to my teasing, she seems to gain a little more confidence if only to prove me wrong. Still, as she finishes up with my legs, she stops as I did. Smiling, I thank her before finishing up, myself. She does the same and after we rinse off, we head into the bath together to relax. 

After some time in silence, simply enjoying each other's presence, I ask the question that has been on my mind. 

Me: Do you like me?