

Year 2025,

***"Through our union with Christ we too have been claimed***

***by God as his own inheritance.  Before we were even born, he gave us our destiny; that we would fulfill the plan of God who always accomplishes every purpose and plan in his heart"***


"It doesn't make any sense!.why would they make people  read this damn book, right after humanity just escaped from  the brink of its extinction."

          Nira hushed these words in Sho's ear .   Sunshine crossed the silver bars of the window and fall over the book, luminousing it.

                "Dude, just keep your mouth shut!",Sho hushed so that it doesn't get the attention of school official. It was an early morning prayer session. The two of them along with 30 other knelt before a large sized gilzernium cross with emeralds reflecting dim sunlight.Sho kept reading the book but Nira's eyes were wandering around .

Nira and Sho were roommates since they landed on the Island of Nuuk, the last livable area on the whole planet after the apocalypse. The event changed the course of people from civilians to victims. The reason behind this destruction is still far behind clouds. Some believe that was due to vixation created by Humans to the gods. Some presumed it was a malfunction of Hazdron bombs. Whatever be the reason,Innocents got devastated. Unwritten rule of livings maybe.Nira was one of the victim of these rules .That worst nightmare happened when He was 3 years old."I still don't have most of my childhood but I do remember a young man with a long beard,trying to push me through a window of 3rd arc. I don't remember where that place was .It was a high ground I presume. All I could hear was cries and shouts.The Gates of Arcs where overflowing and jammed.people tried to squeeze themselves in. People swarmed the arc,trying to save their lives .These arcs were built to ship the last  living people to Nuuk. They did everything they could do to ensure their survival.I still remember it.A woman, I think she was a mother.Her clothes were completely torn.Her hair was shabby and voice shaking."Madad karo!" She yelled from the bottom of her lungs. She fell in legs of men standing in a small wedge of Arc to hold her child. She grabbed his leg but he stomped her in face  and  screamed " zoau kai".Suddenly the Earth began to tremble.The arc began to move.It  lowered a floor down. The people who were clinging to the Arc were crushed to the wall. The window through which I was watching these Horrible scenarios is now  directly in view of that lady.She looked me in the eye and had  a sudden smile. I still cannot understand what that smile meant.All of a sudden ,she  threw the basket towards the window . The Basket floated in air.it was coming towards me . I threw my hands in air  trying to catch the basket. My hands acted over my will.

   "Thud!" The arc went a level down again. The window through which I was looking ,covered with blood.Poor kid wasn't as lucky as me, bashed his head to the walls. My last memory of real world is bloodshot eyes of that woman, who tried to save her kid instead ended up killing her child with her own hands..It's been almost 17 years since that" Nira's thoughts still haunts him. 

                    Loud footsteps alerted the room changing its environment ."Cadet Nira, you have been scheduled for Geography classes and Cadet Sho for Art classes.Reach the classes immediately as soon as prayer class concludes ",Official read their names as he entered. School systems in Nuuk is a bit complicated. They are totally 6 schools across Nuuk.Each school has a official who thought the first batch of students. These students who called as senior cadets,takes classes for junior cadets. This cycle keeps continuing .

Government of Nuuk came with this plan after a failure of virtual classes taken in the post-apocalyptic world. That was the reason mentioned by the declaration. Nuuk may have  came with  a better technical idea .Scientific advancements in Nuuk is so ahead than the past times but everything's been supervised by the Government and questioning their construction may lead to treason.its rumoured that they synthesize foods with devices which can convert any non-poisonous objects into the food we desire. These printers are our only source of food since soil in Nuuk is sterile. They are Hydrophonic plants but the products are only available for High ranked people. Survival must've made humans think progressive. Nira slowly stood up from the bench.Steel benches made his ass numb.He slowly went towards the cross and clumped his hands. He hung his head down in such a way that cameras still recognize him as praying. He stood up delicately and put the book back into the self.walking out of the cathedral, he looked at dimm glowing sun and sighed with relief. Nira turned left and started walking. 

          Nira reached the class.The sign screen mentioned - junior cadets : 7th year.As soon as He entered, class dropped to dead silence. He moved to the class screen meanwhile taking a marker pen out of his coat .He slowly raised his head to see the faces of students." Poor kids! They don't even know how the real world was."chuckled softly.

     The current junior cadets were the first generation kids who were born in Nuuk . They were brought up with high care by the Government .

      "Good morning cadets, I'm  going to take your Geography classes from now", commotion ends as Nira begin to start the class.He slowly turned to the screen and put his marker delicately 

          "Have you guys ever been to a sea?" Nira asked and also started to draw a sketch of Nuuk  in the screen. He drew a map with free hands and even marked important landscapes.Nira asked that question even he knows he wont get an answer. Eventhough he waited for someone give him one.

     After a long awkward pause,Nira started speaking again. " Nuuk is covered by large bodies of water on the three sides .The other side has a active volcano named Mt.watkins, This made the entire region covered with lava . Therefore we, humans , trapped inside this island ".He drew a fence like structure through out the outlines of the sketch of Nuuk.He put his marker back to his coat.He Gazed upon the students. His mind was looking for a Question to arise and his face remained cool , not to loose his "teacher cool"."Understood?", He asked to confirm no doubts to be arisen.

"Why cant we build ships to sail across the sea?" A voice from the back of the room murmured."sure ,these kids don't have a damn idea" Nira sympathized them.Once a kid born in Nuuk, He will be taken into school since of age three and They are authontisied to meet their parents once in every month."  Yea , we tried crossing the sea ,but ended up dead due to the aggressive waves  and  sunstroms. Sunstroms occurs during daylight and cyclones happen during night.Thanks to ozone roof we made.sun storms wont happen inside Nuuk."He pointed his finger to the roof of the room.

Sunstroms happens due to change of earth's orbit. Earth moved quite closer to the sun after losing its weight.Earths crust became thinner , Massive erosion and vaporizing due to Hazdron dissolved the matter on earth leading to lose of centrifuge."Nuuk has a Ozone Roof which protects us from all this calamities "Nira drew a circle over the sketch he drew .

   " Was real world this bad?" 15 pair of eyes glared with eagerness when Nira about to give them answer.These kids grownup hearing stories about the real world .All the rhyme , story and game they play were influenced by the utopia where they grownup.

             "As for as I remember people lived there peacefully until the day of doom happened. We had houses with backyards where we grow our own plants.We had trees not almost everwhere" Overwhelmed voices of the cadets suppressed his voices.Students were suprised about people having their own trees.Trees are the most precious wealth that one can attain. Gold and Diamonds lost their values since lot more advanced elements were created.Gold were used as fiber cables since they are extensible and silvers used to coat walls. 

 Trees in Nuuk were grown and protected by government and seeds were stored in secret lockers.

         "Things once humans destroyed to make them comfortable, Now costs more than their lives" Nira laughed over the irony.

       Class continued untill a blaring phone ring happened simultaneously on everyone's pocket  . Nira picked his phone and slowly tapped it onto the class screen.

The message begin to play.

         " People and their stupid play !" grinding his teeth with anger, He asked his student to concentrate to the screens.

Sounds of War drums and trumpets  started blaring and a computerized voice  started speaking   " In this month's season of " Wrath of Wars", we will be watching about the story of Sakira .k.Nelson , a female pilot who fought bravely and saved a million lives.The premiere of this show will be broadcasted at 1800 hours exactly. All citizens must watch this show and perish the lives of fallen heroes "Nira relieved as the background sound stopped. "Sakira" nodding his head , He kept saying that name again and again. That word swallowed every other  words he was hearing. " why this word is disturbing?…This seems like I've heard this name before" Nira said to himself 

     " Hey Nira, times up!" Sho hopped in with his hand pointing his watch.He sensed something wrong with Nira. 

   " Did you get teased again for being an Easterner?" Sho's faced the students with hot eyes."No, that's not it…You continue with the class !" Nira left the room. That name kept running inside his head . 

Wrath of war - the only entertainment available other than reading and gaming.Its based on lives of soldiers who fought in battles .Almost everyone in the Island loved that series so much but few were exception like Nira. 

 "NIRA!",a scream from a sweet voice. That's Tsuyu. She ran towards him with her coat in between her delicate arms and her weavy hair shines black. "Promise me you wont yell !?" She grabbed my hand and sandwiched between both of her arms."what's it?" Nira questioned questions suspiciously.

Tsyuu slowly moved her hand and grabbed the edge of her skirt.She slowly lifted it up untill  her bare thighs are visible ."look", She moved her thighs to Nira's path of vision.His Mind prompted not to look at but his eyes were forced to peep. "How did you get a tattoo? " Tsyuu stuffed her hands around his mouth ."Don't get me caught" her eyes pleaded.  "How did you even get a tattoo machine ?" He asked her with a glance of surprise. "Rachel's parents gifted her that machine last week. I begged  her to draw this for me " Nira was still baffled what the fuck that they tried to draw. "Look now Iam one of Noah corps" Tsyuu squeaked with a overwhelming smile. "So that's it !" Nira got a clear state ."It's good" He complimented her to avoid further awkwardness."Is it?" Tsyuu kept admiring her thighs.  "Come on ! Let's grab some lunch!" She grabbed his hand and rushed him towards mess. Cadets who stay inside the campus are  to have  the food allocated for that day . These messrooms are handled by staffs who work under officials. Preparation of food is behind the curtains but the food tastes familiar to the real food. Ingredients used to make these foods are still a Chinese puzzle. There have been rumors that they even use soil as one of the ingredients .There were few riots before questioning the quality of food but they were subjugated. 

     " Wait Tsyuu!…let's wait untill sho's shift ends!"Nira pulled out his hand out of her grab. " ok then, let's wait!"she replied with a  sigh. Sho and Tsyuu landed Nuuk in a 4th arc, They both were a year younger than Nira.They didn't have any memories left of real world. Nira,Sho and Tsyuu- they'll hangout together like Ed,Edd and Eddies. Aftermath of arc's landing in Nuuk, most of the  children were orphaned. These children were taken care by volunteers.  That's where all it began. 

         A Middle aged lady ,who we called as Mrs.Destiny, took care of  Nira. Nira still has memories of the moments he met his friends. 

           Sho's eyes were drained out of crying, a black line ran down his chin.with one arm wiping his own tears and other arm squeezing Tsyuu's hands. Tsyuu, meanwhile grabbing Sho's leg and tried to hide her self . Nira ran towards them as soon as he saw them and rubbed his eyes.Since then they were inseparable until officials sent Tsyuu to Girl's dorm.

           " Snap out of it!" Tsyuu rattled. Nira's mind jumped back." Did you watch the Ad ?" She pulled her phone out from pocket in her skirt.Nira still cant get to know how their asses ended up in a bench.It was more like a delusion since the word slided down his ears.His eyes were fixated on random objects but this thoughts were wandering over the words  of the name he heard."Did you watch the ad ?"Tsyuu pressed her words while she was adjusting her hair . "Yes",He moved his head sideways.  Nira uses small words to avoid  debates, He usually has with other people.  He hated the way people adoring a show that stringent  undemocratic rule made them to watch. People are unaquatainedly forced to watch it but they don't even acknowledge the confinement they're in. Instead they're fascinated by the components of it.People copy the gestures and kineciss of the characters built by a graphical illusion.They buy all these stuffs related to the show as decoratives with more dollars they earn. Children are crazy about it as usual 

             "There he is !"Sho slowly walked towards us and sat in front of me. He looked a bit tired. Nira walked towards him.He pulled out a  kerchief and rubbed of blue stain over his eyebrows."Come let's get our lunch" He wrapped his arms around Sho's shoulder. Tsyuu grabbed sho's arm. They started walking towards the canteen while the Sun started  hiding behind the buildings . It's faint rays fell upon Sho's watch which stated the time "1300 hours".

            " what do we have today?" Sho skimmed his eyes throughout the menu board . "NOT AGAIN!" Tsyuu made a weary face as she saw 'Bread salads' written in the board."Come on let's get to the line"Nira pushed them into the queue. " can we skip lunch today ?" Tsyuu uttered. 

  " we can't skip lunch this time!…we already did that twice in this week"Sho's voice sounds tired.

   " Just try to stuff them into your mouth. We still don't want that sick bastard knocking my door" Nira tried to make Tsyuu stay in line.

     The queue was not a big one.Few lights were switched on since the sunlight is so dim.losing weight has caused a lot of transposes  on earth. It almost lost two months in the calendar and 5 hours in the watch.It sure has changed its schedule.

       Nira's fingers were brushing side rails which leds to the dish bowl. His Mind was still pondering over the word." What does Sakira even mean?" ,Nira thought. He looked at the yellow sand dusts sprinkled over his black shoe.

        " Oii" Sho called him, with a plate and a a fork in his hand. Nira snatched it and kept it inside the mouth of FVM. The eyes of the machine scanned his face. "Cameras cameras everywhere!" Nira pumped his hand ,which was hiding inside his pocket. He hated the way how people are surveillance and the way they are caged inside.His face went red and his hands were ready to knock the machine over. "Beep Beep" rumbling ends inside the machine, as the machine spat his food into his plate. His face became serene and hands loosened. He grabbed the plate edges and walked out politely. Cool breeze from vent breezed against him.He hung his head down and closed his eyes for a moment. " This would change someday " He thought to himself. Slowly opening his eyes, His shoes were the first thing in his sight. The light from the bulb glared over it .It was clean.

           The canteen become a mess after the clock stuck 1400 hours . That place grew into a total frenzy gradually. Sho and Tsyuu already reserved a seat for Nira. " Come here!" Tsyuu waved her hand towards him. Slowly walking towards the prebooked seat,Nira calmed down from the ire and started provoking the memories of unusual word he heard. He kept searching a  key for the inconclusive puzzle inside mind, by the time he reached his place. He pulled his chair out and sat over it after setting it . He started picking up bread pieces well soaked in the sauce and started chomping them. " look!" Tsyuu's face lit up with impish glee." Nira got a tomato in his plate ",she yelled with rapture. Nira picked that tomato piece and placed in the center of his plate above a cross symbol. He let the fork slide to his palm from his fingers and raised his hand to his neck."Thud" he stabbed the tomato in centre as it bleed all over the bread pieces around it . He kept stabbing until it become two halfs. He picked the pieces and kept them in Sho's and Tsyuu plates. 

      " Thanks! " said Tsyuu, seemed like she achieved what she wanted

        " take this" sho handed a quarter piece back to Nira. 

           Nira started eating again ,picking up pieces from corner of his plate but center of the place remained untouched with red stains and scratches .

     On that night, Nira sat in front of His home screen in his room. Its not a big room but a sophisticated one. It had a bed and an separate room with a toilet. A white sink with a mirror over it, was just aside the door. six hours of thinking had made his mind tired  and he came to a conclusion that watching the show was the only answer. Nira hated this show from the beginning of its broadcast. According to him, this was an utter waste of time. He stopped watching them since he left the junior cadets where the students are made to seat at a auditorium to watch them. He still remember the mob of children screaming for the entry theme and reacted to every scenes in a exaggerated manner but Nira used to be woke up by sho everytime the show ends. 

               " previously on wrath of war  " screen started televising .

     "Move in ! " a middle aged man with a weird moustache shrieked towards a group of people who were moving in a truck,  as bombs and bullets dancing in the backwards." We must get to the air station keep moving " he tried to make his voice to a driver . Screen blinked. 

    The people were trying to get in a plane . While the moustache man was shooting a  group of soldiers with a weird weapon looked more like a tubelight or more like a laser . Screen blinked. 

       " take care of them " he was bleeding allover. Blood was oozing from his mouth. "Take them to safety SAKIRA  " he closed his eyes  and the title theme started playing after the title card.The name started  consuming his mind again.He slowly walked to the sink and covered the nozzle of the tap with his mouth while his head rested aside of the sink. He started gulping the water gradually when his mouth was full.He raised his head up and gargled it. 

            " I will pledge life to Noah .  A lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path, its words will I hide in my heart, that I might not sin against God " a raucous and prideful voice from the speaker.

Nira's throat stopped for a second. His heart became slow for a second.  That voice made Nira tremble .he choked himself and spat the water allover the mirror.  His head felt a stitch and drived him crazy. He jumped towards the screen as soon as he spat the water completely  out. He grabbed his phone and maximised the volume.He was deranged  and looked like a lunatic . Profuse sweating made his chin soaked up . The sweat from his forehead flowed through his slim whiskers. His eyes were peering the screen.The women depicted in the show was wearing a jet helmet unable to look at her.

" F23 at Angels 3 over the target ready to nuke the target " she said . It was a single piloted aircraft. 

"Permit granted , motherboard requests you to punch out asap after dropping the nuke , I repeat ,punch out" a computerized voice blared over her earpiece.

"Target locked . Nuke Dropping in six, five ,four….." a loud crash over her left wing.

She picked her microphone "F23 lost her sidelong assist wanted."as she was requesting ,the plane started losing balance.

" Grrrr….. knock…..burr…." the line was distorted .

" pardon….repeat motherboard " she was polite in between all this commotion or maybe her helmet was hiding her scared face. The scene slowed for a second. The view outzoomed and pierced into her helmet showing her eyes.

                   " Let me do this myself "

a voice but that wasn't coming from the speakers . Nira murmured those words to himself. 

 " let me do this myself " This time it was from the speakers. Exact same words as he said. Nira doesn't have any idea how he came with it.  

     Back in the screen, the lady was fighting with her jet steering. She tried to manoeuvre the broken jet but she couldn't get it in under control. Her eyes were cool as cucumber, even in this deadlock.Maybe the animators might have reduced the detailing. After a long  battle with her handle, a sudden glimpse of clearance evaded her looks. She sighed and started pulling some  buttons and knobs. The plane was covered with fluffy clouds and smoke from the left wing . She pulled the handle inwards, making the jet raise up in the sky . It shouted right up in the sky vertically. A ferocious background music and earsplitting sound of a breaking plane intertwined to make a shrill noice.

   "Maximum altitude reached " the speaker kept uttering persistently. 

" here it goes" she pulled a lever behind her seat which pushed her tight above the sky.  The plane started rupturing and the piece started falling down directly above the bases. She made herself move as far as possible  with the jet pack that was connected with the seat. She slides down the clouds as the shreds of the plane started firing up as she was around 400 yards away from her. The jet boosted far away from the debris .The nukes from the plane started dropping all over the base zone. She pulled out her parachute as she was nearing the ground.  By the time she landed, the bases behind her exploded . The music started intensifying as she started removing her helmet leisurely. Her lips weren't dry but her face was a bit skinny. She had a small  nose pin and her hair was medium cut .Tiny details of her face was visible but it wasn't visible completely as the sun glowing behind her making it shady.She threw the helmet faraway and turned towards the sun. The sun rays fell on her sweaty face . The view zoomed into her face and finally it was visible.

         Nira was fixed with horror. He went close to the screen ,grabbed its edges and looked at it . The face .It was similar but He never such person in his life..He broke up and panicked . Nira screamed and pushed himself back to his bed. That face made him edgy. There was a whirling inside his head. He started to getting visions . His conscience started reciting some words to him. He can hear them.Those visions were filmed frame by frame inside him. It  took him to comprehend what was happening to him. " The Sun is about to rise" he mumbled silently. He looked closely at the screen.

      "The sun is about to rise  ,move west " the lady repeated the same words as he told to a driver in the scene.

         He finally realized what's exactly happening. He somehow got a foresight of the show. It seems like he already watched the show….but their is no possibility for that. This show's been running for past 9 years but this is the first time they're premiering this episode. 

         He sprinted out of his bed and reached out for a box ,took  a piece of paper.  He reached to the hangar where his coat was hanging. She snatched the coat from his hanger and searched for something. He pulled out a  pen from his book packet.  

     He slammed the paper upon the bed and wobbled the pen untill the lid spilt open and flew away. He was anxious and shivering but his hands were still steady enough to write. Scribbling over the paper, he closed his eyes for every sentence he compiled. There was a short pause between every line he wrote. The pen kept punching down the paper once in a while. After 3 minutes of uneasy writing,  he came up with a dented piece of paper covered by patches and holes but detectable. After rubbing the sweat from his face with his palm,  he scoured the palm against the wall.

          He picked up phone and called sho,

" Aren't you asleep yet ?" Sho replied from the other end

"I gotta say something!" Nira said

 " can't we have this morning? This episodes is really heating up" sho whined 

  " look this is something important! I tried watching this show after long time " 

        "Mmm…..wait a minute ! ….did you really watched the show atlast " Sho interrupted. 

       " uhhhh....yeah...but there's something more important than that!" Nira continued.

     " I've been struck by this name since I heard it in the class ....its kinda running around my head since that I watched that sick ad.....so I made my mind to watch that show " he stopped to gasp a breath.

" ok...and by the time I watched it,  I had some sorta visions about the show."he stopped for a while

    " dude" sho laughed" stop kiding around….that's must be a deja vu or something" 

"Noo....it's not! ....I'm fucking serious sho!... these visions were from the show ....somehow I've watched this show before...I can remember every damn dialogue  "Nira was panting heavily by the time he paused.

" look you wont believe....so I've written everything that I saw in those visions in a paper.....better check it yourself!" He picked the paper up and clicked a picture of it." did you receive it? " Nira questioned

" yeah….whatever let me look over it " Sho expressed  incredulity as he disconnected. 

       Partial Satisfaction bloomed after a day of overthinking and confusions but still he didn't know what all these means. Disclosing has made his heart feel lite even it isn't uncovered .There must be answer for this. He was sure that it will be revealed by the time flies. What happened next were way out of what he expected.