
Settled in the academy

New chapter? Yay!






'The path towards the top of the glass elevator was quick.'

"It's quite the view." Said Philip as he gazed at the city bellow

'To put into perspective, Philip was currently floating inside a translucent glass tube, slowly making his way towards the top of the city's wall.'

'Thanks to that, he could perfectly see the city below him.'

"The strange force on my body is getting weaker…"

Did I arrive?

'In less than a minute, Philip had reached the top.'


'With the sound of compressed gas being released, Philip was ejected out of the glass elevator into a strange…'

"So this is the train station." He said as he looked around

'The elevator led towards the top of the wall, and in there, he saw himself inside a tall building similar to a British train station.'

'Directly in front of him was a long trench on the ground where a train stood in wait.'

'And around it, multiple people could be seen waiting and talking to each other.'

'Most of them were students in uniform, but a few had pieces of clothing similar to those of maids while the rest had mixed clothing.'


The rich students with their maids and butlers.

I did not expect there to be so many people here…

[Lv 5]

[Lv 8]

[Lv 6]

[Lv 39]

[Lv 3]


The average Level of the students seems to be between 5 and 15.

And it corresponds to their age.

While the high Levels are obviously their Maids and butlers, they act as servants and as guards... As expected of Nobles, they are wary even inside this place.

You might think these children's Levels are low for their age and heritage, but its deeper than that.

Nobles perfectly understand the matter of potential and how to increase it.

They each have their own methods, but overall, they would have their children improve their Skills and Abilities instead of Leveling up indiscriminately.

Of course, there will always be one or two high-Level children in a batch.

But their strength cannot be measured purely by that...

Aren't I an example of that?

'He then looked to the side to see the train schedule, and he realized why there were so many students in here.'

The train only departs twice a day, 8Am and 8Pm.

So it seems these are the students who couldn't get on the morning train…

But really, how much audacity do these guys have?

The Academy opened over a month ago, and yet, there are still students coming?

Of course, classes only started recently, but you had an entire month to arrive.

After all, it is incredibly rude towards the Academy for these students to take so long to arrive.

Some are coming back from the end of the year recess while others are arriving towards their first year.

Whatever their reason is for being late, it does not concern me as the academy is fine with that.

It isn't because they are afraid of the repercussions of blocking these noble kids from entering, no.

The Academy is a superpower that could rival some nations in terms of firepower.

It's just that, from their perspective, they already have a lot of problems going on, why add one more when it's so easy to fix?

'He looked up towards the ceiling and saw what seemed to be a massive, floating hourglass.'

"It's close to getting empty, but I will have to wait at least half an hour."

Perhaps more if we count the time it takes for the train to actually depart.

'Scratching his head in frustration since he will have to wait more, Philip searched for a quiet place to spend his next few minutes.'

'He walked towards a faraway bench.'

'On the way, he gazed at the kids and young adults waiting in the station.'

'And he couldn't help but feel the pressure in the air.'

'Be it the hidden guards always on a lookout, or the nobles checking each other, it was clear most of them didn't hold good intentions.'

'The girls checking the boys and the boys checking the girls…'

'For the younger and less experienced kids, those who were between the ages of 13-14, they had just arrived at the Academy, and were thus learning the hopes.'

'But those whose ages were between 16-18…'

'They were checking each other deeply.'


It must be a pain to be a Noble huh.

Even more, being a noble girl… Look at these horny kids…

They aren't even hiding their gazes…

But, some of the girls seemed to like the attention.

'Philip frowned, but in the end, he relaxed.'

'Whatever these kids were up to was of no concern to him.'

'As long as it does not affect him…'

/33 minutes later…/


'The old-looking train released a large amount of smoke from its chimney, it was time to embark.'

/Step step step…/

'The station soon echoed with the sounds of people running around and even the sounds of conflict entered Philip's ears.'

'It was chaos.'

"... Is it really necessary to cause so much trouble to embark when you are already late?" He said as he waited for the people to settle


'His eyes were attracted towards a small boy who was suddenly kicked to the side.'

'It wasn't an accident, he had been pushed aside by a group of kids the same age as him, they seemed to be about 15-16.'

'This wasn't the first instance Philip had noticed such a thing.'

'These Nobles are worse the Koreans in terms of School bullying.'

'He saw a LOT in this past 30 minutes, and he can only grimace thinking about what those bullied kids would pass through inside the academy.'

'Looking at this kid, in particular, being bullied, it made Philip remember Petter.'

Well, they can't do much more than that since this place, by law, prohibits such acts…

But I doubt they will stop for long…

'And as expected, after being kicked aside and having some of his stuff taken, the kid whose glasses were now smashed on the ground got up with difficulty with an emotionless expression on his face.'

"That's an interesting face for a kid." Said Philip as he waited

'The kid gathered the remaining things he had and embarked.'

"This way sir…" Said a Clerk near Philip

'Philip went to him and listened to what he had to say:'

"Good night Sir…" He said as he checked the badge on Philip's chest

"... I am sorry to say this, but unfortunately, due to the high number of people, we don't have any more cabins available." Said the clerk in front of the passage towards the train

'He seemed calm, however, Philip could see his sneaky smile…'


'Philip could also hear the laughs and snickers from some of the kids already inside the train.'

'It made him greatly annoyed, however, he showed none of it.'

"Can't I just stand?" Asked Philip in a calm tone

What a pathetic guy, I almost feel sorry for him.

How bad must your life be so you need to resort to throwing dirt at others for your own entertainment?

"... If it's fine with you." Said the man as he turned his attention towards another group of kids

'Philip rolled his eyes as he entered the train.'


'After entering the train, he saw that it was rather empty, most of the people must've entered one of the cabins.'

'In fact, he saw several open and empty cabins, but he knew that if he couldn't go towards them, else, he might bring trouble to himself.'

'He could very well enter and deal with these people, but why bother?'

"Tsk. What a fucking display." Said Philip as he went to a corner

As if there are no more cabins, asshole.

He is most likely playing around with me since I am a Warden…

And those kids laughing… They were probably the ones that ordered him to do this.

Sigh… I don't really mind standing for an hour, but I hate being played…

I will remember those kids' faces… Not like I will do anything, since I need to avoid attention and trouble until I get what I came here to do…

But if I have the opportunity, I wouldn't mind showing them their place…

'In the end, Philip shook his head.'

'No matter the result, it was just a bunch of Arrogant Noble kids.'

'What they did was nothing short of a small inconvenience to him, a prank we could say… A very disgusting one…'

"Responding to this would just make me lose time." Whispered Philip to himself

I have better things to do, how can I lose my precious time dealing with some kids still wet behind their ears?


… Never thought I would use this expression one day…

And if I were to lose my time to deal with them, wouldn't I be just doing exactly what those kids want?

'Philip closed his eyes and waited.'


'Soon after he entered, the train parted…'

'It slowly made its way across the tracks into the… Edge of the wall!'

'But when it seemed as if the train was about to fall…'


'Under the sounds of heavy gears and machinery, several sets of translucent wings opened on the sides of the trains.'

'And like that, the train started to fly towards the Academy…'

/Two hours later…/

'After crossing several kilometers of forests the flying train finally started to lose speed.'

'In the sky, two purple lines suddenly manifested, turning into some sort of flying magical train rails.'


'With a loud sound, the train landed on top of the rails, slowly making his way towards the ground.'


Did we arrive?

'Philip slowly opened his eyes and gazed at a nearby window.'

"Well, this looks just like what I expected." He said as he gazed at the academy

'It seemed… Magical.'

"It looks like a castle straight out of fantasy." He said as he gazed at the academy

The academy itself was built upon the remains of a very old Dungeon.

'From the bottom to the top, it was at least 500 meters tall.'

'The Academy was built like a cone, the bottom section being the widest and top the narrowest.'

'Many details and buildings were scattered as you moved up but it was not like the ground was devoid of anything.'

'Everywhere Philip looked, he could see things similar to arenas and training grounds, and even other things such as greenhouses and smaller towers.'

"And I imagine that is the Principal's tower." Said Philip as he gazed at the top of the academy

'There was a tall tower standing at the very top of the academy, normally, the head would be there but… The tower had been sealed when the current principal left.'

However, it is destined to never be opened by his hands again since the principal never returned… Sparking a War for his inheritance several years later.

'Philip thought deeply as he stopped looking at the window.'

This is indeed the right place.

With these Dungeons, I can reach the maximum of my current Class and perhaps, find a way to get a new one if possible.

As you know, a Dungeon core will build a tower in order to reach the Sky Zone and transform.

Its husk, the Dungeon Tower, will slowly lose its energy and its materials will slowly collapse.

Most of it will crumble and over the eras, as it slowly sediments, it will transform into a special mineral, the same one used to make the walls of the academy and the city.

The academy was built in a region where dozens of Dungeons towers once stood, and several still stand to this day, some still trying to reach 'Heaven'.

The reason why so many Dungeons grew to such heights here is… Unknown, at least for me and Dae.

He theorized that something may be happening underground but once again... That doesn't matter to me.

What matters is that, due to how many Dungeons grew and fell in this place, a lot of rare minerals are deposited under the academy.

And with the Dungeons, this place is a gold mine for any country…

"And that's one of the reasons why… There is a lot of tension between the Noble kids."

Even the professors from different nations and species will show hostility to each other from time to time.

If I am not mistaken, there are even factions in this place…

But I don't care about these political games, I came here to get stronger and get my stuff and when I get them I will leave.

The Quests given to me are important but not as big of a priority as getting stronger.

And my Skill… This is something I have yet to figure out.

From what I understood from Dae and from my experiments during my time in this world is that my Skill is the only way in which I can get a Class.

Like, I can get Titles but I can't get Classes through normal means.

This sucks for one reason… I won't get any bonuses if I was to increase the Level of my Main Status…

Even if I was to pass all of my Skills and Abilities to my main Status, if I can't make it stronger in a stable way, I will only lag behind.

Technique and Skills can only work up to a certain difference in strength.

Human techniques are useless against a bullet to the head, but if their muscles were to be as tough as Iron…



'The train trembled and slowed down suddenly, making several people trip.'

'They held onto anything they could.'

"Here we are." Said Philip as he held onto his briefcase


'The sound of the train brakes echoed as it came to a stop.'

'Philip was ready, as soon as the train stopped he went to the door.'

'While the kids were still getting ready inside their cabins, Philip was already ready to leave. He wanted to get away from this place as soon as possible before those infernal creatures started to cause trouble.'


'The doors lock clicked and the door opened, revealing one of the train's clerks.'

"We hoped you had a comfortable trip!" She said as she looked at Philip


Comfortable, my ass!

'She noticed the badge on his chest and her expression soured, she now had a disdainful smile on her face.'

"Yeah…" Said Philip

"Just follow the lights on the ground, yours is the blue light." She said as she waved at him as if to shoo him away

"Okay." Said Philip as he left in a hurry without carrying about the woman in the slightest

(Towards a THOT, you do not need to spare a second thought!)

'He could already see that the room he was previously in was getting full and soon, trouble would happen.'

'He looked to the ground and saw the blue lights forming a line, so he quickly followed them towards the academy.'

/5 minutes later…/

'Philip was now inside the Academy's main building, in front of him was now a large open door.'

'The Academy was divided into sections with each section having its own security measures, rules, and duties for the ones who frequent it.'

'There is an area dedicated to first-year students all the way to an area dedicated to fifth-year students.'

'There is also the area dedicated to the teachers and the service areas that are normally in between the many sections of the academy, used mostly by the Jailors so they can fix the magic systems that power and make everything work.'

'Philip followed the light's towards the dormitories… The place where he would sleep for the next few months.'

"But why does it look so… Rundown?" He said as he gazed at the broken walls and peeling paint


It seems they are suffering from severe mismanagement.

'Philip ignored the conditions and made his way towards the main office of this dormitory.'

'On his way, he saw many other wardens of the same rank as him.'

'Most of them had dead looks on their eyes and injuries of varying degrees, he even saw one that didn't have a leg and a hand.'

'Most of the time, they use dark cloaks as a way to hide their injuries and conditions from the students, since that might make them more inclined to be targeted...'

'Dae even told Philip that some students see, "Warden Hunting" as a sport...'

"A sad fate." He said as he entered the office

'Inside, he saw a single table in the middle of a large office.'

'Compared to the rest of the dormitory, this place was impeccable.'

'All of the expensive furniture made Philip think that perhaps this man or the one in charge was doing a bit of embezzlement… In a very obvious way.'

'After all, the man in front of him was incredibly fat, and he didn't seem to have any sort of injury on his body.'

[Lv 29]


Considering you just need to be equivalent to a First Circle magician, Lv 29 already surpassed the average Level of a Second Circle magician.

Is this one of those annoying situations?

The type where the Boss refuses to get the promotion because that would mean going back to the bottom?

If that's the case this might be perfect for my current situation…

"Hm? Oh! I guess it was time for a new batch to come in." Said the fat man with a nice smile

"If it doesn't inconvenience you, may you close the door and sit on the chair?" Asked the fat man politely


Perhaps I was wrong?...

As if.

'Even if the man was acting politely, Philip could see a tiny bit of scorn on his face and tone.'

'But he did as he was told since, after all, it would be pretty bad if someone was to enter and see what was going to happen…'

'After that, Philip sat on the table and accepted the gesture of the fat man, shaking his hand.'

"Now… Mister Philip… Allow me to welcome you to Parad Academy." Said the fat man as he opened his arms wide, his tits trembling

"Hm? May I inquire, how do you know my name?" Asked Philip

"Oh! How rude of me. I imagine you still didn't have time to read the entire manual." Said the fat man

"First things first, My name is Emanuel Decort, I am a Rank 1 Executive Warden of the Academy." He said as he did a small nod

'But Philip raised one of his brows in confusion.'


Bullshit, there is no Executive position…

As if there would be someone who can show goodwill to a Warden while being one himself…

I think I understand what is going on.

"Now, as for the reason why I know your name, that's because I can see your curriculum!" He said as he pointed towards something that was similar to a keyboard on his table


'He started to type, and soon enough, a floating screen appeared above the keyboard.'

"As you can see, I have access to all Warden's information within my authority." He said with a smile

"Of course, it's mostly to monitor and gather information, I cannot alter this portfolio in any way…" He said as he scratched the back of his head


But you can certainly spread its information around, is that what you are trying to say?

Trying to threaten me fattie?

"In any case, I am sure there are more outside waiting to talk with me, so let's get everything sorted."

"First, we need to arrange you a room, and after that, we need to assign you a job."

"This is only temporary, but we do this in the hopes you can get the hang of how things work around here. After a few weeks, you will be able to do things on your own and my help won't be necessary anymore." Said Emanuel

'But the fattie frowned as he said:'

"It's just that recently, we've been quite full, so we had to resort to using old and unrepaired dormitories."

"Plus, the students have been quite aggressive these past few years, so all of the good classrooms and jobs have already been taken." He said with a tinge of regret

"Would you be fine with taking on a slightly more dangerous job?" Asked the fattie with a smile


'However, Philip was still very calm.'

"I think we can arrive at an easier solution Mr.Eamuel…" Said Philip with a smile

"That would be difficult but I am 'eager' to hear your solution!" Said Emanuel with a smile

'He put some emphasis on the word 'eager'...'

'With these last lines, Philip finally understood what was going on, so in one full motion and without any more time…'




'Philip, in the blink of an eye, got up from his chair and delivered a flying kick to the face of Emanuel.'

'He didn't even react, as if the speed was too much for him to process.'

'He was kicked and sent flying towards some furniture as the wall cracked under the impact.'

"I should've done this from the start, this isn't a nice place where talks like these can happen anyway." Said Philip as he cracked his neck

At least not like this…

Perhaps you would understand violence better than pretty words?

"Arg…" Said Emanuel as he placed his hand on his face

'He took it out and noticed a large amount of blood running down his face… His nose was broken.'

"This… Why did you do this?!" Said Emanuel in an extreme tone

'He was pissed!'

"Fattie, don't play with me, it is too late to act as if you don't know." Said Philip as he sat on Emanuel's chair

"Executive Warden? Don't make me laugh, this never existed." He said as he pointed towards Emanuel's badge

"That fake badge doesn't mean shit."

I read and memorized the entire manual before the train even departed.

And I am sure this shit is not listed at all.

'The badges don't contain only their possessor's information, but also other things such as the manuals.'

'It's just a question of how much time their users have and their determination to read those thick things…'

It seems there is an organization trying to pass out as an Official in order to scam and control the Wardens…

How they managed to do this in the first place is beyond me…

But I can imagine this might have some ties with the fact the last dean has long stopped caring about the internal matter of the academy to focus on his studies.

"Rank 1 Executive Warden? That is just a fancy name for a loan shark, I already understood what your thing is." Said Philip as he tapped his fingers on the chair arms


'Emanuel's expression changed.'

"You act like a friendly guy while doing your best to help, but in truth, you are just trying to manipulate me." Said Philip

And he is not even hiding it properly, that's because he fully trusts his strength and… His backers.

The expression on his face, the room decoration, the tone of his voice…

All points towards him being an arrogant and manipulative bastard.

No good rooms? Wrong, he decreased the quality of the rooms on purpose.

Half of the furniture in this room would be enough to fix and increase the quality of the dormitories by quite a lot.

No good jobs? Wrong, he is selling the good jobs to the top Wardens under him.

The others are just sacrificial lambs for the more brutal students.

This way, his organization controls who goes up and who stays down.

"I don't know how you got that tool in your hand, I imagine the corruption in this Academy has already run deep." He said as he looked at the keyboard


'But Emanuel did not reply.'

Not being able to modify the contents of my curriculum? Don't make me laugh.

This is something that shouldn't be in this fatty's hands, it gives him access to all Rank 1 Warden's information, something only higher-ranking personnel of the academy should be able to access.

And this gives him a lot of free ways to blackmail people.

This probably is a pyramid scheme that goes towards the higher ranks…

"It's nothing short of a gang displaying their corruption in broad daylight." Said Philip

'But Emanuel just got up, he cleaned the blood on his nose and lips as he said:'

"Hehe…" Said Emanuel as he laughed

"You attacked an executive, be sure to face the consequences." He said as he cracked his knuckles

"I don't know who you are and why you are so aggressive towards us, but I make sure you won't have a nice time in this Academy." Said Emanuel with a devious smile

Fucker! I will show you what happens when you mess with the wrong people.

"So that's it? After everything I said, that was your reaction?" Said Philip

"This is getting boring." Said Philip as he got up from the chair


'Philip suddenly vanished from Emanuel's sight.'

"GUAH!" He said as Philip grasped his throat, lifting him into the air

"I didn't come here to be played by others, and I think I've wasted enough time." He said as he watched the fattie struggle

This is a risk, but I am certain it's the best of two poisons.

On one hand, I have these kids, nobles who would certainly make my life hell.

I can't do anything apart from hiding and fleeing since messing with the nobles is the same as poking a wasp nest.

On the other hand, I have this gang, by messing with them I am making them my enemy, but they are much easier to deal with since I can actually do something against them.

"Le…t…M- GO!" Said the fat man as he struggled

'He tried to kick Philip but he was like a steel wall, his attacks were ineffective.'

How big is our strength difference?!

The documents said he was only a First circle wizard!

I need to…

'He started to lose the ability to critically think as he slowly suffocated.'

"It won't hurt… Much." Said Philip as he dropped Emanuel on the ground


"HAAA!... Haa…" Said Emanuel as he breathed deeply

'But the moment he lifted his head…'



'Philip's right index finger penetrated his forehead! But no blood came out.'

"Either I succeed and have a really easy time in this academy or I fail and this guy either gets dementia or dies… Both options would have severe consequences."

I know the theory behind this but I lack practice…

'Purple light gathered on his right hand before it concentrated on his index finger and moved inside Emanuel's head.'

'After a little while, Philip removed his finger, a small amount of blood dropped on the ground but it wasn't too concerning.'


Did it work?

'Emanuel, who was previously moving, suddenly twitched and opened his eyes.'

'With his eyes glowing in purple light, he got up from the ground.'

"What's 13 x 13?" Asked Philip


"What is your name? What did you eat today at breakfast?" Asked Philip once again

"Emanuel Decort, today, I ate a toast with some royal Northern Bee Honey and Milk." He replied

"Good, it worked." Said Philip with a smile

Forceful Mind Control.

To take control of someone's mind by taking the reins of his Mindpower 'directly'.

As you saw, it's a very brutal process.

I need a direct contact point between my mind and his, in this case, my own body.

I am not skilled enough to make mental bridges that can allow me to control someone's mind yet…

"In any case… Do you have anything you can use to fix that?..." Said Philip as he pointed at Emanuel's forehead

"Yes." He replied as he turned around and went towards a large shelf on the side

"In the meantime, explain to me how your organization works and your job in this…"

I also need a secluded room and a stable job…

'Time passed while Philip discussed with his first minion as he came to understand how the Academy operated.'

"... I see it now." Said Philip

I… Misunderstood the situation… Kind of.

Emanuel is part of a non-official organization whose main purpose is self-profit of the one on top.

No… That would be wrong.

It is official… In a sense.

Students can make groups just like Clubs back on Earth.

Many students will make or join a group in order to have a better Academy life or procure resources in an easier way.

They are Nobles, they need to make connections… That's one of the main reasons why some Big Nobles apply to the Academy when they could just learn at home.

I don't know who, but one of the students of this Academy has made a group, this group, on the surface, is just like any other, but in fact, these groups control the Wardens of the Academy.

At least the ones between Rank 1 and 3.

Well… At least, this is what Emanuel knows.

For such a group to be able to maintain this, they would need to be powerful in a sense.

As for what they gain in doing this? I can think of a few possibilities.

But in any case, that is all unrelated to me now.

"Fattie, make sure that all documents are in place so no one suspects a thing." Said Philip towards Emanuel who was currently sitting on his desk, typing on his keyboard non-stop

'Emanuel nodded.'

As long as my Mind control remains, I can have a peaceful time in this academy.

This grants me the opportunity to rise in Ranking fairly easily… At least from Rank 1 to 2.

But that's enough.

I have selected a very optimal job that perfectly fits with my plan and goals.

It perfectly avoids the annoying kids and it helps my secondary goal of attaining knowledge.

"Sir, it's currently 10:56. You need to check in on your new room before they do a System refresh at 11." Said Emanuel on the side

"I understand, contact me once everything is done." Said Philip as he left the room

Considering the people Emanuel contacts on a daily basis, I doubt there would be anyone who is capable enough to notice what happened to him.

But just as an assurance, I've made him avoid the populated areas and stick to a closed-off routine.

Wake up, prepare, come to work, go back, rinse and repeat.

Over time, this might attract suspicion, but I will only be here for 2 months…

If needed, he will do some miscellaneous actions in order to reduce suspicion.

"I don't know how long this will last, but I hope that by the time people realize he is being Mind-controlled, I will be out of this place." He said as he left the room

'A few minutes later, somewhere inside the main academy…'

'Inside the dormitory area where the Emanuel Office was located, there was a hallway hidden behind a magical contraption.'

'By using the specific code, Philip managed to enter the Hallway.'

'But whatever was on the other side of the Hallway was of no interest to Philip.'

'Because inside this already hidden hallway was another secret door, leading towards the place that would be his house for the next 2 and a half months.'

'Hopefully less… In a good way.'

"I like this place." Said Philip as he analyzed this place

To get here, I had to enter an abandoned room and activate a hidden switch, this led me to a hallway that leads towards another section of the Academy.

But in this already hidden hallway, there is another hidden mechanism that you can trigger to get access to this house.

Being 2 floors high with a nice garden around it, no wonder Emanuel kept this place a secret.

He wanted to sell this place to the right people and use the money to retire from this place…

Perhaps he will get his opportunity once I leave the academy.

"I only need to clean these vines and it will be good to go." He said as he looked at the state of the house

'It was in pretty good condition thanks to Emanuel's hard work, but he was only one person with limited time, some plants still grew over some areas…'

After that, I will go to the library and start working.

"My objective is to Rank up within the week."

In the meantime, I will research more about this academy and how things work around here, Emanuel will be perfect for that.

It makes me excited to be able to advance this quickly.

"This place is just rather dark, I guess the Magic systems are indeed rather outdated…"

"Emanuel told me this place was very old, and that he kept most of the system functional."

"Let's see… I think it was around here…" Said Philip as he looked around

'His eyes brightened as he found a tall stone in the courtyard.'

'He placed his badge in front of the stone tablet and…'

{Connection established}

'A male robot voice came from the badge.'

'After that, a large hologram appeared on the badge, showing a 3D blueprint of the house.'

'This included its features and the areas that need repairs.'

"Hum… I don't need to repair those, as long as the Magic circuits are fine I am okay."

'With that, Philip entered the house…'

/5 Hours later…/

'It was early morning, the sun had just peeked out of the walls that surrounded the academy.'

'But a shadow could already be seen in front of a large building…'

{Identity confirmed, verification complete}

{Welcome Warden 21-A78, opening Library N.6} Said the robotic voice of the badge

"The environment is quite nice." Said Philip as he waited for the library's doors to open

'That's right, after looking over all jobs available, Philip decided to stick to the Library.'

'Things like cleaning the shelves, mopping the ground, organizing the shelves…'

'Although most of the jobs seem mundane, they are devoid of the presence of the students.'

'The academy rules also prohibit them from causing a mess inside this place.'

'Each job grants Philip a minuscule amount of credits, but the sheer amount of it makes up for it.'

'After all, in this academy, things revolved around credits.'

'At least for the Wardens, they need to buy their food, resources, and medicine with credits.'

'But Philip doesn't need to spend credits on resources and medicine since he already has his own.'

'So his only spending is food.'

"Forget one week, I might be able to make enough credits to Rank-up within 2-3 days." He said as he checked the place

'The shelves seemed organized but they weren't, many books could be seen on big piles around the place and Philip could taste the dust in the air.'

"No wonder there were so many jobs for this place."

Most of the students in here are focused on other things rather than studying while the ones that are seeking to better themselves academically would stick to the main library inside the academy main building.

'Yes, this library was located outside of the academy in the forests that surrounded it, one of the reasons why Philip chose his place was due to the fact it was an unpopular place.'

"The only problem for me is that the important books and higher-level stuff are kept in the main library, but it's not like I would be able to read them in the first place since the books you can read are determined by your Rank."

That isn't the case for the students though…

"Sigh… If I was 4-5 years younger, I might've been able to just apply to be a student…"

But then again… Being a kid in this situation would be even worse.

'Without further ado, Philip cracked his neck and knuckles as he closed the library's doors behind him.'

"The faster I finish this, the more time I will have to read the books in this place and increase my Scholar Skill Level."

Time to work!





For those who forgot, here is the explanation for what his Scholar Skill does:

Scholar -> Only gives a Skill that allows you to see the Level of someone up to 5 Levels above you per Skill Level. Level 0 -> 5, Level 1 ->10

It also "Analyzes" a specific object based on the Mc's knowledge.

So lets say he sees a Mushroom in the forest.

If he did not read the Book. "Mushrooms of the North", the Skill would say:

[Colorful Mushroom

Probably poisonous.

It is growing below the shade of the trees with no problem and it has a faint grass aroma, the smell is irritating to the nose and eyes.

Upon breaking…


And more depending on how creative I am.

But let's say he read the Book, "Mushrooms of the North"...

[Blue Flag Mushroom

Extremely Poisonous.

A rare type of mushroom that grows on top of poisonous snakes.

It only fully blooms once they die.

It will release its spores once it reaches maturity, the amount and their characteristics are based on the potency of the venom of the snake it grows on top of.

Because of this, its life span is very short, but it can be increased indefinitely by pouring a diluted extract of the Snake's venom.

It can be used to make…


And more, depending on how creative I am or how many words I want to spare to this explanation.

This Skill is OP because the Mc can perfectly memorize and store the information from the books he reads into his Mental Library, pretty much 'cheating' the long and arduous process of reading and understanding a book.

This also allows the Mc to rapidly acquire information.

Although he still needs to re-read the book in order to fully absorb the information.

After all, the Skill may help him in identifying something, but it won't give him ideas as to how to utilize the information stored on his head.

For example, he may understand how hard a certain type of wood is and have perfect understanding of how to make a bow shaft, but the Skill won't give him a step by step method on how to do it, unless Philip himself stages a situation where the Skill can activate.

And that is only a possible scenario since that same mushroom can be used to make 200 types of medicine and products, but Philip only knows of 30.

That is after all, only a hypothetical scenario.