
Ruins of the past, Three musketeers?

(This chapter has 5000 words!

Soon, I say soon...

We are getting close to the end-run of this volume, it was about time. Sorry for the wait everyone, I just wanted to build the initial world background.

So far we have had mysterious wars that happened over 1000 years, and now we are soon to get another big conflict.

Another war is close to exploding as the Heroes of all races are getting stronger and stronger.

And now the mc has to collect these "Origin Orbs" in order to secure the future and delay more conflicts.

Will he be able to do it?)

'Inside the tree was a surprisingly large space'

'After descending some stairs hidden behind a false wall, Dae and Philip reached a spacious room'

{{I guess we can talk normally now right?}}

{No. Just in case, let's continue talking mentaly}

'The only sound in this entire place was the breathing sounds of the 6 people and the bugs strange noises'

{{What now?}}

{Carry them to that red circle over there, after that it's on me}

'After placing the 3 dudes on the red circle, Philip went towards a bench where Dae was also sitting'

{{Just what is this place? It looks like a church but it's underground...}}

{You are right, this is a church… This entire valley that is now the Royal garden used to be a massive holy place}

'Dae bit his thumb and started to write several symbols on the ground near the circle with his blood'

{As you probably read in the books, due to some sort of event, historical information dating to before 1000 years ago has disappeared right?}

{{That's true, the earliest thing I have is some sort of war where Humans emerged victoriously}}

{That isn't a lie, although the truth has been distorted to an unbelievable degree. Even the royalty thinks this.

In a sense, they aren't wrong. A massive war happened between the races and the Humans won. After a long period of suffering, the slaves of the other races, the Humans, won a war so brutal that it ended up wiping all Humans from everywhere on this continent.}

{All of this is right, but the causes and the process are all wrong… A lie}

{{So what is the truth?}}

{... I don't know. After all, this is ancient history. I never had time to search for some meaningless history in my memories.

But let's go over this place really quickly.

This used to be part of a civilization, a Human civilization from before the war.

It was responsible for the creation of a massive church in this valley. A holy area for a God that is now forgotten.

This is one of the many ruins that still somehow stand. Even after the destruction of most of its architecture, not by our enemies' hands, but by the hands of Humans.}


{Who knows? Humans will attack each other for any reason really, even in times of war. They perhaps destroyed most of the ruins in order to hide the fact that this church existed in the first place.}

{The only building that still stands in public sight is the main church where we appeared. Now redecorated to fit the Dynasty's culture and religions. They couldn't bear to destroy the particular building due to its significance.}

{{And that is?...}}

{You already know Philip. It's because the church houses the artifacts.}

{{... Couldn't they move elsewhere?}}

{If they could they would have placed them right in the middle of their castle, inside its deepest layers. They also couldn't move the castle to this place since they couldn't abandon it at that time, so they kept the two places up and running.

For them, the Palace is just as important as this place, if any of the two falls it would most likely signify the end of the Dynasty.}

{One thing that is important about this church, is that it was responsible for the creation of the relics itself.

The big ball you saw on your first day was also their creation.

Well… At least that is what all evidence points out. But there are some that indicate they were only keepers of these items.}

{{You are telling me that such a powerful society fell?}}

{For current times, they were strong and mysterious. But for their time…

I know what you are thinking and I am with you in this. I don't think that they were destroyed by the work of the other races, since the Humans indeed won the war. But they could've met their end at their hands, only to be destroyed by their fellow Humans

It's only a theory after all}

'Dae had almost finished a full circle of bloody runes on the ground'

{But that is old history and meaningless for us. The artifacts aren't the only way to return to Earth anyway. So don't get heated up about these subjects.}

{Annnd… Done}


'As if clogs had connected together, the blood runes fused with the red circle shining a blinking red light in the dark room'

{{What is this?}}

{Blood magic, with a little bit of sealing magic, and a little bit of healing magic.}

{{Isn't Blood magic Ilegal? And healing magic?}}

{Blood magic is only the catalyst… And Philip, you would be surprised at what Healing magic can be used for. There was once a crazy magician that learned how to reverse Healing to cause Decay.

"Every magic is useful for something. A master of Ice magic can create a firestorm"

Magic is based on mana, on shaping it into something else entirely. Even if it's elemental mana, you can still transform it into something else because it is still mana.}

'We waited for a little while longer while talking before Dae got up and started to chant in a low voice'


'He continued like that for another 10 minutes until the light disappeared

-Phew… We are done with these guys Philip.-

-Can we finally talk?...-



I felt an ice-cold and sharp blade being placed against my neck

-Stop right there.-

'Petter had woken up, and he didn't seem happy'

-Didn't you say that the sedative would last an hour? It has been barely half an hour.-

-It must have been his Skills… But hey, it lasted long enough.-

-You seem very calm for someone with a blade on the neck.-


Petter applied force and cut into my skin.


But only the sound of metal being scratched was made.

My skin was too strong to be cut by a normal metal knife.

(Petter didn't receive a combat class, so he doesn't have any sort of special equipment, what he got was from the training ground, a normal, slightly blunt metal knife.

He sharpened it on his own using rocks but most of its cutting power came from Petter stats.)




We looked at each other for a few seconds…

-Cough! How long are you going to stand there! Talk with him! Do your thing!-

-Sorry sorry…-

'Dae removed his cloak revealing his face to Petter'

-Dae… Kyoung?!-

Petter looked at my head and removed my cloak.

-What is happening?

'But he didn't remove the knife from my neck'

-Petter, please, let Philip go. Let's talk calmly…-

-No. And I am calm. But pardon me for doing this, but I was suddenly knocked out only to wake up in a dark place with two cloaked dudes invoking some dark magical shit on the bodies of those three bastards.-

-... He is right Dae.-

-... On which side are you?-

-Petter, we aren't your enemies here. Much on the contrary. We came here to help you.- Said Philip

-What do you mean Philip? Help me? Didn't I tell you to get out of my business? I am grateful for your help, but I was this close…-

-This close to dooming yourself.-

-... What? What do you mean Philip?-

-You fucking idiot, think! What do you think would happen after you kill those three dudes?-


-Even on Earth it was a crime, what made you think it wasn't one in here as well?-


-The moment those three died, you would have the Crown on your ass. This includes all of those Purple knights, red knights, the instructors, and whatever more troops they have.-

-... They wouldn't…-

-Petter. You're not anyone, you are a summoned Hero, an asset for this country. They aren't going to let you go so easily.-

'Petter finally let go of the knife while sitting on the bench'


-Much better… It's your call now Dae.-

-Wait! Before we continue, I would like to ask one thing. How did you guys find out about this event?-

-I found out about it easily with my Skill.-

-You? But you don't have any such Skill… Wait, did you lie?!-

-Not really. I really told everyone about all of my Skills at that time in the Gymnasium, but I got more since then. Aren't you the same?-

-... But why go to such lengths for me?-

-It's like this, it all started with this the Orb did what it did…-

(I know it's wrong, it's just a small reference. Are you big brain enough to point out what is the reference?)

-HOLY SHIT! You aren't going through that long story again right?! Didn't you say we didn't have time?-

-... Yes, yes you are right.-

-What are you two talking about?-

-Do you think we got here without trouble? We had to hide, else people would be on our trail.-

-Philip is right, this is a fight against time… I have an idea.-

'Dae took out a coin from his inventory, it was the same one as before'

-We can circumvent the rules by using a trick. I will offer a contract…-

-DON'T!... Don't say those words…-

-... X2-

-... Sorry, everyone…-

-It's okay. Let it out… As I was saying, we can circumvent this using a trick.-

-I will offer you knowledge and you offer to keep quiet about this, the coin will make sure that you learn everything in a second… The only problem is that it might hurt… and you will get a headache later...-

{{Is this fine? To just add more people to this?}}

{I know what I am doing, apart from him, I don't have anyone else in this place with whom I would share all of this information. Only some bits and pieces...}

{{Sigh, you are the boss right now}}

-... Do I even have a choice right now? I don't have energy, and you two seem quite strong…-

-Of course you have a choice, and that is forgetting about this situation. But that would also remove your chances of getting stronger.-

-! What did you say Philip? Is that true?-

He bit that pretty easily… This might be easier than I thought.

{{It's your turn now}}


-... He isn't wrong… Although I wanted to leave that for later… Me and Philip are in a…-

-Corporate deal.- Replied Philip

-... Yeah… We are helping each other to grow stronger… Among other issues.-

-And let me guess, you want to invite me in? Why?-

-Its on the information…-

{{That wasn't very convincing}}

{What can I do? I don't have to go over the slow story!}

-I accept.-



-So quickly? Why don't you think a little bit more…-

-Just do it Dae, we don't have time.-

-... Sigh, sure. Here we go…-

'The coin flickered in the air and parted into two parts, one entering Dae's head and one Petter's'

'For some time, Petter just stayed there with his eyes closed, as if he was meditating. 5 minutes later, he opened his eyes.'

-I understand now… I was being shortsighted… I am sorry! For the both of you!-

-It's okay man.-

-No worries-

-I would like to offer another contract, the old one only says for me to not divulge information about this event, but I think that's too shallow for what I have received. It's the minimum that I can do to pay this debt.-

'Peter was very serious while saying this, he clearly puts a lot of importance to debts and promises.'

-That's simple to do, as long as both parties accept, the contract can be redone. I will offer you something similar to Philip.-

'Golden light shined on their forehead but it didn't last long before disappearing.'

-... Mission accomplished?-

-Not yet. There are two things we need to do first.-

-What is it Kyoung?-

(Petter will refer to Dae as Kyoung)

-You… You Haven't finished your quest yet, right?-

-That 's right. How did you know… It seems that Skill of yours is indeed true huh…-

-Oi oi Petter. You believed him too quickly.-

-Hey Philip! Shut up if you aren't going to help!-

-It's okay, calm down you two…-

-As I grew up, I learned how to judge people. And I feel you two are quite trustworthy… And what I saw… Plus the message from the system window… I think I can believe you two.-

-... I am glad you trust me, but I would say for you to not trust the system that much.-

{{What did you show him?}}

{Our previous conversation in the library, but I cut out some details like the Origin Orbs and your personal information in order to make this situation easier to deal with.}

{{Doesnt this breach the contract?!}}

{I changed a lot of things, such as voice and many other words, I prepared for this after all}

{{... Just don't do again}}

{Haha. I didn't plan to do that again either, three people knowing this sort of information is already enough for me}

-I might've even shed a tear if I still had some.-


-So Petter, let me help you finish your quest.-

-But how? I can't really kill them now…-

-There are worse things than dying Petter.-


-What do you think would be a fitting end for those three? They took everything from you… Why don't you take it all back?-


-You already have everything needed, their spirit is also broken after your torture, making the job easier.-

-But how? How do I take their Skills? I don't have a Skill like Loan Shark…-

-Loan Shark… Is a Skill with a conscience.-

-?! x2-

-What? Wasn't that supposed to be super rare?-

-Indeed Philip. But everyone here is a Hero. The chances of one of us having one such Skill is very high.-

-But let's go back to the topic.-

-The Loan shark is a egotistical Skill. Meaning, it seeks food over the safety and progress of its master.-

-Consequently, if it determines that its Host cannot provide food… It will switch hosts. And that's when you jump in.-

-Go to Foust and take his Skill! But you can't just take it, you need to have it submit to you. Otherwise it will be only a trash Skill that can go berserk any time.-

-... Alright.-

'Within a second, Petter reached a conclusion and acted'

Was he always so confident?

He stopped right in front of Faust and said:

-What do I do now?-

-Whatever you wish. Try speaking with it. Consider the persson where the Skill was born… It might understand you better if you use a similar language that those delinquents used.-

-I will give you some instructions during the process but most of it is on you.-

{{Will that really work?}}

{For this particular Skill… I would say the chances are around 30%. Mostly because this is a Hero generated Skill. Let's wait and see how things go.}

-... I think I know what to do…-

'After thinking for a moment, probably thinking on what he was going to say. Petter said:'

-... Oi! You piece of trash!... No, I am not talking with the piece of garbage Faust, I am talking with you right there! Show your sorry ass to me!-


/Gurgle gurgle.../

'A faint blue shadow of a shark leapt out of Faust body and started to swim in the air'

-So you appeared… Since you appeared, it means you are unsatisfied with that piece of crap right there right?

'The shark didn't say anything and just looked at Petter'

-Lets make a deal. Come with me and I will make you stronger. There is only one condition… You need to submit to me!-

'The shark eyes narrowed as it showed its teeth'


'Petter didn't even flinch as he slapped the blue shark in the air!'


'The shark made some strange bubbly noises before opening its maw and rushing at Petter.'

'It was fast.'

But Petter was calm.



With one step, Petter evaded the shark and slapped it once again into the ground.

-A beast will remain a beast no matter how smart it is I guess. Coming in a straight line? Come on, even those bunnies in the forest are more deadly than you.-

He lifted one foot and kicked the shark.

And he did so again

And again, and again…



[Loan Shark is begging you to stop! It accepts your deal]

-Oh yeah? But I don't think so… The terms have changed. If you aren't going to give me something in return, then I will not accept you.

[Loan shark is confused]

-You better make up your mind. What could be worse than dying? If you don't take my hand, your destiny is to be forgotten forever. No, in fact, you are going to be turned into food for that guy over there.-

'Petter pointed at me.'

What do you want me to do? Sigh…

{{What did you say to the kid?}}

{Just do your thing. Trust me, I think this will work.}

{{This isn't the problem, just how did you find out...}}


[Predator's presence LvMax has activated!]

I stared menacingly at the shark


-Give me their Skills, and stats… Make sure to gobble everything apart from Traits unless they have two. If you do that I can consider having you under my wing-

-As a treat, I will give you all of the useless abilities for you to eat… What do you think?

[... Loan Shark accepts the offer.]

[The conditions have been achieved! The Skill, Loan Shark has activated]

[You are collecting your debt. Total value, equal to the amount of suffering they imposed on others during their lifetime]

[Loan shark is looking for an equally valuable Skill]

[Loan shark has found its prey]

-... How the world turns…-


[Error! A strange force has blocked Loan shark from devouring the Skills]

This again?... I don't know what to feel… This ended up saving my life by making the Shark go berserk and devour that Useless Trait, but it is now saving my enemies...

[Processing… The conditions are suitable. The Skill, Loan Shark has been given free rein to act]

'The beaten Blue Shark went to the bodies of the three delinquents and opened its bloody mouth.'


[Loan Shark has devoured the Skills, Tax evasion Lv2, Blunt strike Lv7, Intimidate Lv8, Command Lv8… Would you like to fuse with them?]

'There was a long list of Skills and other things'

-This is… It even devoured their Classes?

-It seems you were successful, you can relax and think for a bit while me and Philip will do something else.-

-Where are you two going… Pardon me! I didn't mean to…-

-We are only going to that fountain over there. We will be back in a few moments. After you finish going over your rewards come to us.-

'Dea pointed towards a broken fountain in the furthest wall to our position.'


[Loan Shark is nervous]

What?... I guess you did a good job. Here, have these useless things…

[Loan shark's hunger has been satiated]

[Loan Shark Lv4 -> Lv7]

Three levels? Perhaps those Skills weren't as useless as I thought.

[Loan Shark is incredibly satisfied with its meal, its Hunger ceases]

[Loan Shark has pledged full loyalty to its new Host]

[All conditions have been achieved]

[The Skill is mutating]

[Loan Shark has changed into Predator of the depths Lv0]

[Recalculating proficiency...]

[Predator of the depths Lv0 -> Lv1]

'The shark changed from a light blue to a full dark blue. Its eyes were silver colored, shining a kind of mystical light.

Several luminescent stripes were shining on his body.

It had a smooth appearance but its ferocity disappeared, being replaced by a more calm aura.'

-I like your new look. The previous one was rather ugly.-


'Petter looked at his window tab and couldn't help but click his tongue.'

This is a mess, so many unrelated Skills...

-I can clean this later. They aren't going anywhere. Let me see what those two are doing…-


[You have finished the quest, Vengeance is best-served cold]

[To make a dog bite its own owner… And he won't even be able to use that hand forever… Never forget the pain and humiliation of this day until his last breath! A fate worse than death!]

[Your vengeance has been given a high degree of completion!]

[Your vengeance was given the Rank of S]

[You have received the Title, Revenger]

[You have gained the Skills, Beginner Skill fusion, Counter, ...]

[Your stats are being adjusted in order to balance the recent changes]

[You have gained a great amount of Skill proficiency]

[Predator of the depths Lv1 -> Lv2]

-Good, with this I am stronger than before right?-

'Suddenly, from behind Petter, a translucent woman appeared. Behind her were two rather blurred people. A man and a woman.'

They went to the stunned Petter and hugged him.

-Never lose sight of who you are… I love you, brother…

'The confused Peter regained his sense and screamed:'

-Sis… SIS!-

'But before he could talk back, they disappeared like smoke'

-Sis… Mom… Dad…-

[You have been blessed by a spirit of fortune]

[A new Trait blooms from deep in your soul]

[You have acquired the Trait, Focused]


Petter cleaned his eyes and turned around. He had already cried a lot.

It was time to move forward.

-... Is this really it? The fountain of the Title?-

'It looked really simple, there was a statue in the middle covered in moss and a circular water reservoir.

The water was still surprisingly flowing from a red jar on the statue's hands

The statue was that of a woman with her face covered in a veil, she had a simple robe, but what attracted my attention was the only colored thing in this fountain. The red jar.'

-That 's right. The fountain of the Goddess of the Valleys and Mountains, Eridia.-

-... But dont I need a coin to throw inside?-

'Looking from this position, I could see a few coins inside'

Are those the ones I should pick?... For some reason I feel as if I shouldn't… And anyway, looking at how old this place is, those coins are most likely rusty and worthless.

-There are no coins.-

-What? So Is it impossible to get the Title?-

-No, not at all… It's rather simple in fact. In ancient times, we would have to go through rigorous tests to reach this point. But those don't exist anymore.-

'Dae picked a dark metallic object from a hidden hole behind a stone slab, It looked like… A waffle maker.'

-This is our solution, we will make our own coins.-

-It is a very simple solution… Replied Philip-

-Are you guys done? Said Petter as he made his way from the other end of the Church-

-Petter? Are you finished?-

-Not yet Kyoung, I still need to clean my Window. It's full of shity skills.-

-So join us here, it's a free Title anyway.-

-... So Dae, what do we need to do?- Asked Philip

-First, let me clean this. Replied Dae as he picked a piece of cloth and started to scrub the grime and dirt from the coin maker.-

-Now that this is cleaned, we need to make the solution…-

-Each of you, fill this bottle with your blood.-

-Oh yeah, I almost forgot, Philip, now is the time for you to finish those pendent things, choose your rewards and pass your Skills.-

-Petter, can you fuse Skills?... If not then it's a shame but…-

-I just received the Skill.-

-Good. Having that Skill is pretty important, if you don't have it then you would have to go to a Guild house everytime you wanted to fuse a Skill until you gained it. That's why having one is important.-

(Otherwise people would be able to keep track of your Skills somewhat)

/Philip Pov/

So its time…

Open Secondary Status


Name: Philip Vinten

Class: Old Hunter

Subclass: Military veteran

Insight: 26

Blood echoes: 22376920 (707617 for next Level)

Level 278

Vitality: 99

Endurance: 90

Strength: 99

Skill: 90

Bloodtinge: 50

Arcane: 40


Lady Maria combat technique Lv5 (8)(Hybrid)

Gehrman Footwork Lvmax (10+3)(Hybrid)

Ludwig combat techniques LvMax (10+3)(Passive)

Super Human senses Lv8 (11)(Passive)

Greater Riposte LvMax (15+3)(Passive)

Perfect Throwing technique LvMax (Hybrid)

Stealth Mastery Lv1 (4)(Passive)

Handcraft LvMax (Passive)

Butchering LvMax (Passive)

Medicine Lv8 (Passive)

Tinkering Lv7 (Passive)

Smithing Lv5 (Passive)

Eviscerate Lv0



Summon messenger Shop Lv7 (Active)

Predator's presence LvMax (Hybrid)

Combat Genius LvMax (Passive)

Critical strike LvMax (Active)

Multi Task LvMax (Passive)


Old blood infusion





Not much changed.

I can pass three "skills" to my main Status

It's obvious what I should pass, I can always get my abilities, and some Skills aren't exactly impossible either.

But Traits… Not any Traits, beneficial ones. Those are almost impossible to gain in a short amount of time through normal means.

Pass the Traits Hardworking and Unyielding to the Main Status

[Choose one more "skill" to pass]

The last one…

It has to be a Skill.

Why? Because Skills are the hardest to get. They only appear when certain conditions are met, and most of the time is through the system.

I can't guarantee that the system will reward me with one of those again.

I have 5 Skills available. I can remove Critical strike LvMax, as I know the conditions to get this Skill in particular.

Petter also seems to have it.

The next choice was quite hard but I decided not to pass Messenger shop.

Most of the items sold in there can only be used if I am a Hunter, otherwise, they would be incredibly lethal to a normal Human consumption.

There is a chance this Skill may change since I am removing it from this Class but… I don't want to bet on uncertainty.

Multi Task LvMax is also out. My new evolved Trait already grants me a similar bonus, and Dae told me that although both effects may stack and work side by side, the pressure on my head may be too high.

This leaves me with Predator's presence LvMax and Combat Genius LvMax.

Both are very useful.

From what I have read, both sorts of Skill are quite rare.

A Skill that exudes a sort of psychological reaction, it's perfect against weaker mobs and a Skill that increases my Talent in Combat, making me even more of a monster

Both are very incredible but one has to be left behind for now.

My two Traits seem to increase my motivation and capabilities depending on the situation, as such, you would imagine that Combat Genius LvMax is quite useless. But that's wrong.

The greatest value of this Skill is the possibility for evolution, although I could say the same for Predator's presence LvMax…

Predator's presence loses its effectiveness when I am against strong-willed opponents and beings that are inherently stronger than me.

I choose Combat Genius LvMax.


[The Traits Hardworking and Unyielding have been transferred to your Main Status]

[The Skill Combat Genius LvMax has been transferred to your Main Status]

Good, open Main Status



Name: Philip Vinten

Race: Type 1 Human (+)

Home World: Earth (+)

Registered World: Eden (+)

Level 0

Class: None (+)

Title: Hunter Genius (+)

Exterminator of Nightmares; Ancient Explorer; One man army; Jack of all Trades; Number 1; Scholar; Martial enthusiast; Magical enthusiast; Mental Lord; Pioneer

-Vital info-


Mind> 29 (92.9) (+) Previously 4.3 (21.5)

Physical> 20 (44.6) (+) Previously 2.7 (10)

Energy> 35 (+) Previously 2.3

Spiritual> 15 (24.3) (+) Previously 1.5 (5)

Mystique> 12 (+) Previously 6


Mental force Lv0 (Hybrid)

Mental force manipulation Lv1 (Hybrid)

Mental domain Lv0 (Hybrid)


Gamerverse (+)

Intermediate Skill fusion Lv13 (Hybrid)

Western continent language(Incomplete) Lv0 (Hybrid)

Scholar Vision Lv0 (Active)

Combat Genius LvMax


Castle Town *****




Is this the Stats of a Level 0? I guess this is why Heroes are always in high demand…

'At the same time, Petter also seemed to finish messing around with his window tab'

-I am ready.- Said Petter

-And I just need to choose my final reward… You told me I would fall unconscious right?- Said Philip

-That's right, but it shouldn't be immediate. I am ready on my end, just drop your blood in these flasks and I will do the rest, once the Coin is finished, just throw it inside the fountain.-


Open the previous reward tab

[The last reward shall be a pick between several choices]

[1- Race

2- Talent/Potential

3- Skill

4- Title

5- Knowledge

6- Order]

[The host has 20 hours 21 minutes and 44 seconds to make a choice]

I choose Race.


[Choose your Race evolution]

[Type-1 Pure Human

Type-2 High Human

Type-2 Mental Construct (Shell:Human)

Type-2 Carmesin Demon (Human form)

Type-3 Mortal Shell Judgment Angel]

{{So Dae… What is a Mortal Shell Judgment Angel?}}


-Are you okay Kyoung?! Asked Petter when Dae had a sudden cough attack.-

(He doesn't know they are speaking mentally)

-COUGH COUGH… I am okay… I just choked on some saliva…-

{Don't scare me like this again!}

{{What is it?}}

{It's something trashy, don't pick it up}


{A mortal Shell Angel is the codename for an Angel who has been reincarnated into the mortal realm because of something, and after finishing this task, he can ascend to Heaven again as a fully fledged Angel}

{This Race will open the possibilities for the Angel race as a whole… But Angels aren't really that great. What were your choices?}

{{Type-1 Pure Human

Type-2 High Human

Type-2 Mental Construct (Shell:Human)

Type-2 Carmesin Demon (Human form)

Type-3 Mortal Shell Judgment Angel}}

{How generous… Choose the first one, Pure Human, the rest is trash}

{{Why? I need a proper explanation here, this is for my future after all}}


'Dae picked several potions and poured them inside of the metal object, he then poured his own blood and placed the "Waffle maker" in the fire to heat everything up.'

{let's jump Pure Human}

{High Human is the direct evolution of a normal Human, but I consider it a waste of potential. You see, a High Human is a Human whose potential has reached its peak, his muscle mass DNA and such has been perfected to the Limit.}

{But that's all. You can't go on from there unless you do some crazy shit. The only perk they give you is that this race is recognized as a Noble Race of the Humans, and upon evolving into one you would automatically rise to the top of society.}

{I don't even need to talk about the next two. A Mental Construct (Shell:Human) and a Carmesin Demon (Human form). Both are inhuman creatures and choosing one may give you immense power, but you will lose your Humanity.

And recovering it is a pain in the ass.}

{And a pure Human is… Well… How do I put it… It is the original form of the Human race, untainted by other forces… But...}

{{But what?}}

{All of the Human flaws are increased. Its emotions are enhanced, its strength is actually decreased, and the overall stats decrease.}

{{Seems like a trashy Race to me}}

{Humans evolved over the eras and adapted to their surroundings, little by little we accumulated characteristics that allowed us to live pretty much everywhere.

We abandoned many features in order to make space for others. Over time, our true essence was diluted and mixed in many foreigned forms of power.

This Race is the beginning of all Humans. Their weakest state, yet at the same time, our purest state.}

{That's why it is the best Race to choose out of the 5. The future potential that this race has… Even more when it's in your hands… I guarantee you that although this Race has a very rough start, it is capable of matching a Dragon if treated well.}

{If you aren't convinced, we can leave this to later. I will properly go over all of its characteristics.}

{{... I have made my choice}}