
Zeke And Pattie

Highschool. A time where teens begin to discover themselves and prepare themselves for their journey into adulthood. Highschool is said to be the best time for people, creating memories and many friendships. While for some they would agree. For others, it's not always the case. Some teens face the difficulties of bullying by other students. Bullying is usually noticed and dealt with by teachers and principal in the school. Unfortunately, there are times when it can go unnoticed. Being right under someone's nose. Zeke Jensen is one of those people who has gone unnoticed. Up until Pattie Clarence becomes a part of Zeke's life. Seeing through the cracks that no one else can. Pattie dives into the journey that is to shed light on the bullying Zeke endures. Unravelling many secrets and forming an unbreakable bond like no other.

Zambie_xD · 现实
26 Chs

Chapter Nine: Zeke

June 12th, 20xx

Hey buddy, I mean Aiden. Guess I can refer to you as that now since I've finally had the guts to say your name. After all this time.

I just thought I'd keep you updated. Not that too much as happened in the last 3 days since I talked to you last. Even if this isn't us really talking.

I thought I'd like to mention that I was kept home for the past three days. My dad insisted that I take a few days to calm down after my verbal attack on my mom.

Making sure I was ok and didn't do anything stupid after becoming so vulnerable. All I've been doing is playing my Playstation 4 while everyone is at work or school. And just being social with my dad and sister once they came home.

I apologized to my sister and she forgave me. She knows I'm human and wouldn't intentionally hurt her. As for my mom, she still hasn't said anything to me...not to my surprise. 

Ashley was a remarkable student. Very pretty, intelligent and full of kindness. Ash had many skills. She was everything a mother should be proud of. While I never was. 

After going a few days, not showing up to class had made Pattie quite worried.

To the point where she showed up at my door while my dad was home. She asked questions about my well being and etc..my dad even had the obligation to let her in and see for herself.

While I just blocked out the world, playing video games. And listening to music while I was just in my boxer briefs. With a blanket wrapped around my chest. Pattie just unexpectedly slammed my door open.

The last thing I expected Pattie to do was hunt me down just because I missed a few days of school. And I wasn't even sick. Injured or anything of the case.

I automatically grabbed the blanket to cover myself fully. Leaving me in a state of shock. And pink cheeks. With Pattie's matching my own.

"I'll give you a moment." She squeaked and left the room.

I scrambled to find some clean sweat pants and a random t-shirt. I ruffled my hair so it looked decent. My room wasn't extremely messy like most teen guys have. My mother wouldn't tolerate it either. Though she has left me be for the last while.

"Um, you can come back in?" I said, making it sound like more of a question.

I paused my game as Pattie returned to my room. She left the door partly open and gave me a stern look.

"Where the hell have you been hmm? I thought something bad happened. Or I pissed you off for some reason after...some things taking place." She snapped lightly at me.

"I've been home. Relaxing and feeling better mentally after being chewed out by my mother. And well, chewing her out. My dad thought it was a good idea for me to cool some steam off. Before going back to school." I explained.

I was still hurt by her. I obviously wasn't going to let that ruin our friendship. We got something good and will respect that. It was good for me to go a few days without talking to her. I needed to get my head together. I guess I had a bigger crush on her than I thought.

"You could have at least texted me that so I wouldn't have hunted you down. Obviously it was a little over top but, I got worried about you." Pattie commented.

"That actually would have been a good idea so then you wouldn't walk in on me." I muttered. I was feeling irritated today and accidentally sounded more rude than I wanted.

Pattie bobbed like a fish. "What's got your panties in a twist. Sorry if me wanting to know you're alright is such a bother. That's what friends do. And what we agreed to a few days ago. You said it yourself, it was no problem either. Not that you'd know any better I guess." Pattie let her angered mouth run.

My eyes widened at that. I know she didn't mean to say that..since I was being rude to her but that honestly hurt.  Pattie instantly slapped her hands over her mouth. 

I just let my gaze stray away from her. I felt my throat drop. However, I wasn't going to let a small slip up get to me. It was true, to be honest.

"To be fair with you, you have a point." I breathed out.

"I'm sorry sorry Zeke! I didn't mean that. That was an awful thing for me to say." Pattie said frantically.

"I deserved it. I was being a salty douche. You didn't do anything wrong. I should've texted you why I wasn't at school. I'm sorry."

"No, you didn't.  I think coming here was a mistake. Sorry for disturbing you." She whispered and made a run for the door.

I got up and grabbed her arm. "Get over it. There are times when friends pissed each other off. You already made your way over here. So you might as well remain here for a bit. I wasn't grateful that there was someone who cares about my well being. I'm sorry for scaring you. I need to be a better friend to you too." I pleaded. The guilt was eating away at me.

"It's alright. Could you tell me why you weren't at school then? Help clear the air? " Pattie requested. 

She was right, she deserved answers. I told her about my fight with my family. And revealing to my dad what I told her about my two friends passing away. My mother avoiding me for a few days hasn't made my mood much better either. Pattie understood and forgave me. 

"Sorry for being a salty sailor. Welcome to the room of Zeke. Take a seat at the desk chair if you want." I pointed to the leather chair.

She walked to it and took a seat. "How comfy. And I forgive you since you forgave me."

"Yeah. That's a real gamers chair you're sitting on.". Was all I could think of to say.

"I like your room. I didn't know a light orange was your to go colour." She complimented.

"The colour brings a sense of warmth. Like a fireplace or a sunset." I say.

My walls were blank, besides one soccer medal hanging on the wall. I used to have pictures of my friend group but, I obviously took those hurtful reminders down.

"I could definitely agree with that. The colour just makes you want to be embraced by someone. It's calming." She agreed. I nodded also in agreement.

All I wanted to do was pick her up and lay her back on the bed, in my arms. Like how we laid under the hill. Her head resting on my shoulder as my arm wrapped around her.I looked at Pattie. Not knowing what to say. 

I saw her eyes move. Spotting the box my dad saw. Her eyes grew with curiosity. I sighed and grabbed the box.

Pattie looked at me confused. "I could tell you spotted that box. Everyone seems curious about it. I'll only show you a few things I want to show you. I did mention it too."

She nodded and moved to sit beside me on my bed.

I opened the old shoebox and pulled out the picture of all seven of us. And showed her.

"Oh. Were these the friends you told me about?" She asked. I nodded.

"The two brunettes with brown eyes and gorgeous tan skin, the girl and boy, are Mandy and Taylor Locke. The twins. The blonde with green eyes is Wallace Smith. The girl with the short brown hair and blue eyes is Alexa Post. The Japanese girl is Julia. The one who is in a rehab. And the deep redhead with brownq11 eyes is Aiden."

Pattie's mouth formed an 'o'. "Oh, that's such a shame. You all looked super happy." She said sadly.

I smiled sadly. "Well. Stuff happens for a reason. Honestly, you would have fit in for sure. Same with my ex. That's a part where I don't even go anymore." Completely avoiding the other friend who passed on too.

"Alright. I could tell that this other person's passing is more touchy for you. So I wasn't gonna pressure you anyways. Your ex wasn't a part of the group?"  Pattie replied.

"Thanks, Pats. And no, it was a brief thing in the ninth grade. Not really worth mentioning. Plus, it's an entirely different pain I have. Maybe someday I'll tell you." I patted her shoulder gently.

"I'd be glad to be a shoulder to lean on. Also, what game were you playing?" She asks, in an attempt to change the subject.

"The usual. Call of Duty." I said I was rather bored.

"Well, I bet I can beat your ass." She brags.

"Then prove it!" I say, accepting her challenge. I tossed her another remote. And started up the game.

She sat closer to me and...Aiden if you didn't leave, you would have loved Pattie. She was an amazing gamer. We played for like 45 minutes and she beat my ass hard.

"Now that's how you play a game." Pattie gloats.

I whistled. "Should have known. After beating me in that arcade and all." I grumbled.

"Aww, poor Zekey. Feeling his man pride hurt." She joked and pinched my cheek.

"Ouch! God you're cheeky." I yelped. Rubbing my cheek.

"Boo-hoo. You poor baby." Rolling her eyes. I pouted. Slightly offended. Just slightly.

Pattie shoved me onto my back. In my own bed. And was slightly hovering over me. If she was my girlfriend, it would have been pretty hot, to be honest.

"Hmm. I wonder if Zeke is...ticklish." Pattie smiled evilly and began tickling me. I was only ticklish on the sides and barely in the feet.

She began poking my sides. Causing me to turn side to side out of panic. And laughing historically. In an attempt to block her pokes, I accidentally pulled her down onto me. While Pattie just stood over the side of the bed.

She was laying straight on me now. Making me hitch my breath. Her face close to mine again like before.

Pattie played with my black hair. Feeling how soft it was.

She looked at me in the eye. Slightly biting her lip. It wasn't her intent to be on top of me.  It looked like she wanted to kiss me again. However, I didn't want to if it was going to be meaningless to her. Though, her wanting to kiss me once more showed she found me attractive. However, it didn't mean she had feelings for me. I didn't want to be friends with benefits or anything.

She thought I gave her the signal. Pattie leaned in and I quickly rejected her kiss by putting my hand up to her mouth. She pulled back, confused. And got off me.

"Did I do something wrong?  Pattie questioned.

I was annoyed. "We are friends. Just that. Like you said. Would rather not have emotions conflicting our friendship. And I'm not going to return kisses if they are only meaningless to the other. The other day was a spur in the moment." I grumbled.

"So if you don't mind, please don't ever try to kiss me again. Especially if it's just going to be emotionless and meaningless to you. Friends don't kiss each other like that. We did it as a one time deal, remember? I'd rather not be led on." I pointed out. Whispering the last bit to myself.

Pattie realized her mistake by seeing the hurt in my face. That one kiss was one thing, but I didn't want her to just kiss me like it was nothing. I know she likes kissing me but, that would just make me feel used. And I know her intent wasn't for that.

"Why do I keep fucking up for one day? Stupid hormones. And what do you mean by leading you on?" She yelled quietly.

My eyes widened a little. She has bat hearing, I swear.

"I'm going to the bathroom." I said and left the room. Pissed off once more.

I'd tell you more about this later on Aiden. However, my pen is running out of ink.
