
Zayne Valhalla HOTD

my own take on a song of ice and fire

Brogdawg32 · 作品衍生
12 Chs

the mother who had to choose. a black dragon prepares. yin and Yang meet their progenitor

AN: thought a intro to Helena would be appropriate instead of waiting. Really do sympathize with her and her situation.

She literally told all of them what was to come and yet they continued down the path of death and destruction.

She's the only redeemable character on the greens side in my opinion. I hope to give her a better fate.


Kings landing, RED KEEP, 9th moon of 129 AC



'Your mother chose you boy,'

Those are all the words I remember.

All i can see is little jae, his tiny form never to move again. And the blood.

So much blood.

As I'm about to retch again my mothers tired, angry voice fills my ears, "Helanna, it's time to see aemond be crowned. We must show unity."

In truth she sounds as dead as me. For any mother who loses a child knows.

But I don't respond. Too worried am I about what will happen should I voice my real thoughts on aemond.

Twas his fault jaehaerys' head left his body.

Twas his fault Maelor looks at me like I'm the stranger given form. For what mother chooses?

What other choice did I have?

I'm broken from my musing again by my mothers voice, "Helanna! I know this is hard but….."

My dragon anger ignited at those words. Hard? Hard? I had to choose! All because my family wanted the throne. The throne my father always said was Rhaenyras.

I didn't hate my sister. Her husband on the other hand.....

But not my sister. For there was nothing anyone could say to convince me she had knowledge of such a thing. She and I never had bad relationships personally. But our being on two different sides always ensured we could never be closer, something I still feel sadness for. But I knew she'd never harm a child.

For She herself was going through the same thing. If In a different way.

But a son is a son. And losing one makes one lose part of yourself.

That's why I say the words my mother balks at while trying to figure out where my energy came from.

"Enough! I will not go see the kinslayer crowned. For he is the very essence of the issue. Had he not lost control of his emotions and killed lucerys we might have had time to come to a reasonable conclusion.

Instead, since aegon died, aemond has been doing nothing but searching for some damn dragon seed!

So, forgive me, MOTHER" I say with such venom that smoke comes out of my mouth.

"But the day I go watch him be crowned is the day white walkers embrace men in friendship."

Turning around I stroll out of the garden to my chamber i share with my children.

But what I find in there makes me almost scream if not for the hand that covered my mouth.

Two more assassins were in my room.

Wearing hoods of black and white and masks on their face. The one in front of me holds both my children. Who seem to be asleep. I think the worst.

My mind goes back to the night I lost jae. I beg. "Please don't make me choose, please."

The broken sound of my voice makes even the two stoic men hesitate.

The one behind me speaks in a calm voice, "do you want to leave this place?"

His words sound like the music of gods to my heartbroken ears.

I nod. Not expecting what comes next.

I'm scooped up in a princess carry while the man in a Valyrian steel mask speaks to me while touching my neck with his fingers.

"Forgive me. But you must not see where we go." And with a push on my neck I feel myself fall into unconsciousness.


For what feels like a fortnite I'm in and out of consciousness. Sometimes I register food and drink being carefully out into my mouth.

I worry about my children. But everytime I feel I have enough energy to move I find darkness again until the cycle repeats.

All this comes to a stop as my blurry eyes finally take In the fact that I'm on a ship.

Looking in the corner I see jaehaerra and maelor speaking to one of the men in white.

They look more at ease than I've seen in moons.

A voice beside me breaks my thoughts. "Welcome, lady Helanna, to Sparta."

I look out the window to see dreamfyre flying above us. That makes my worries lessen as she would never let anything hurt me.

But the sound and sight that greets me next puts that fear right back into place.

For across the water a sound rings out that I know is from another dragon. I look up to see a baleful black beast like the one my brother described.

I realize I've been captured by the dragon seed.

I start to panic, but one of the men who brought me here eases it slightly.

"Be at peace lady Helena. The father of the titan would never harm innocents."

I just hope they speak true. For I cannot handle anymore heartache.

As we load up into the rowboat to make way to the island that has a half finished dock, my mind races to the title given to the man, father of the titan?


Sparta, The north, 129AC

(Villagers pov)

After days of waiting for lord Valhalla to return, the island lost the Lustor it has when our lord is present. Without him here it feels like it used to before he arrived making grand promises in exchange for our undying loyalty.

We gave this to him without thought after he killed lord sten stane and freed us from his families wicked ways. Ways that lead to our current peril in the first place.

Had the stanes not allied with the greystarks centuries ago we would still have the protection of winterfell.

But alas, such was not to be.

However, many of the villagers commented on the lord valhallas eyes. A shade of grey only the decedents of the kings of winter were said to own.

The dragon mount lord Valhalla refers to as 'morgoth' in his words meaning "black enemy" is incredible and awe inspiring. But the people love his wolf, Frost, even more.

It gives them hope that the old gods have not abandoned them. This is even more true when looking at lord Valhalla.

The man almost always wears robes of red and white. His eyes and hair are the same color as well as his direwolves own fur and pupils.

This has given many the idea that he is a son of the old gods themselves. While they all were initially weary of lord Zayne, the suggestions he made as well as the food he provide turned almost all his naysayers into praisers of the highest order.

While lord Valhalla had been gone to help a fellow dragon lord, many of the people decided it was time to show our new lord how much we appreciated the warmth of our children and our bellies since he and his beautiful animal companions arrived.

But that all ceases when we see the ships anchor and begin rowing people to shore.

These people have to be the thennwood and ibenese lord zayne spoke of.

I just hope everything goes to plan. Lord Valhalla is working himself to the bone. Many servants whisper that he barely sleeps. Such things are not good for anyone. Our lord must start taking care of himself.

Hopefully, these new arrivals will allow him to do that. He's earned it after all he's done for us. Something we intend to pay back in full when the time is right.


As I close in on my territory after killing aegon the usurper. I think back on the fight. If I'm truly honest, it was far easier than I originally expected. Morgoth seemed so much more adept at fighting than the Hightower princes and their dragons that I hardly had to speak a word. My thoughts alone were enough to inform him of my wishes, which was faster than if I could speak them.

I've noticed that when atop morgoth, we truly become one being. The connection all dragon riders and their mounts are said to have is undoubtedly substantially real. Whether my own experience in such a state of togetherness stems from my warg blood, is yet to be seen. As I have not had the chance to truly ask about another dragon riders feeling when atop their mount.

The entirety of my time at rooks rest was speaking to Rhaenys about why I would never kneel. In truth, she seemed rather receptive of me. Almost too much.


As i look at the beautiful purple eyes and silver hair of the queen who never was after she woke up, I see her eyes begin to show lust. I need to stop this now.

(While I appreciate your gaze, you have a husband princess. That and the fact you're unfortunately past child bearing age makes such things useless. You're as fair as any women I've seen, but I need more than that.)

Her blush tells me I am right on the money. Hmm wonder why? Rhaenys isn't depicted as someone who stepped out on Corlys. Then it hits me, maybe she found his son already.

That will surely shake someone's belief in their spouse, but I'm not going to be the one who does that to a marriage.

Thankfully she seems to have regained her usual demeanor and speaks to me in a soft voice, (you're right lord Valhalla. Please forgive my moment of girlish foolishness.)

I offer her a soft smile and return her words, (there's no need for apologies princess. I find myself eager to get back home. Can we please get to the meat of why you asked to meet with me? I'm sure it's not simply to come to my bed?)

Again I get a blush. Ha! The women who sought to be the queen of the seven kingdoms turning to mush at my presence amuses me greatly. Finally she speaks on what I expected her to. Kneeling.

(Forgive my lack of decorum princess Rhaenys, but the only kneeling I do is between my future wife's legs)

I spend the rest of the time doing my best to make the queen who never was blush up a storm. Thoroughly enjoying every second of it.

End flashback


I wonder if dragon dreams had worked their magic once again on the Targaryen line. Informing them of my impending arrival.

I those thoughts aside for now as I see the island that is my home become closer, I give morgoth a command to land on the outskirts on my village outside the area where I plan to put the 'gate of Sparta'.

I also want to do this with the sea. Creating a man made Channel that funnels any who wish to get into my island through a narrow pass. Kind of like the water version of the bloody gate of the Eyrie.

Filthy andals the arryns may be, but I can't argue with results. Aside from visenya, nobody has ever infiltrated the bloody gate.

It's the perfect kill-zone.

A veritable landscape sized fatal funnel.

Pushing these thoughts away as I see the ships of balin in the bay surrounding my village.

This means only one thing, all my new residents have arrived.

A good thing. As I need to begin getting my island set up the way I want it too. The first order of business is getting everyone settled.


Landing in the snow covered ground I see my biggest fear. James thenn holding up slim by his neck.

Racing off morgoth I bellow, ""what's the meaning of this?!""

Seeing my arrival, many of my villagers drop to a knee in submission but I have no time for that. I've told them tome and time again not to kneel, but it seems to be a losing battle.

Looking at James who has an abashed look after dropping my friend slim to the ground he speaks an answer to my query, "I'm sorry magnar. This man was disrespectful. My anger got the best of me"" the giant of a man speaks and I breathe a sigh of relief.

I look to slim to verify such things. The downturned head and ashamed look tell me James spoke truth.

I sigh, as I should have known they would argue. Afterall,that's how northmen are. You have to show them you aren't scared of them for them to respect you.

Then you must show respect to them and their ways. Because while many of the core values north of the neck align, most have such different ways of living and interpreting them.

I ask my next question to steer The giant man's attention away from my skinny castellan, ""where is leaf and mag?""

He points toward the mountains at the opposite side of the village and I know Instantly what he means. I motion for both he and the silent Loki to follow we make our way through the village.

""This place looks as bad as the one we stayed in north of the wall. Why would we stay here magnar?"" James asks in that thunder like voice of his.

Sighing at his lack of vision I speak. ""While it may not look like a lot now. With time and effort it will be the greatest place in the world. With mag and leafs help, I will be able to show you soon.""

As I make my way through the village I see those who hadn't come to greet the thenn, hornwood, and ibenese guest.

Atop their small, wooden hovels I see fabric flying.

I'm shocked to see the image adoring these flags. My personal sigil. The Valhalla family black dragon encircled by a white assassins creed symbol, with red Celtic designs aroind the boarder of the flags all on a field of grey.

My shock must've been clear on my face because Loki spoke to me for the first time since arriving, ""magnar, why do you look so flummoxed?""

Shaking off my shock I speak back to him, ""that sigil,"" i say pointing to the flags before continuing, ""is my family sigil. South of the wall, this signifies their acceptance of me.

By bearing my family sigil, they're telling me and anyone who may come to the island that they all support the Valhalla house. I'm shocked because all though I've implemented some things to help, I've spent most of my time gathering support from across the world. So to see their fealty makes me smile.

That's another thing the two of you need to hammer out soon,"" i say looking to James and Loki. At their confused faces I chuckle and continue.

""You'll need symbols of your own. So your clansmen can fly your flag and show their support of you."" James speaks to me after finishing his water.

""But aren't we apart of your clan magnar?"" Ahh now I understand Their confused faces.

I shake my head and reply, ""no, you're still James thenn, magnar of the thenn clan. I am the magnar of all who inhabit this island. You yourself will still lead your people. But i Will lead you.

As for staying with me? You're more than welcome to, however I'd rather the two of you have a castle of your own. There are three islands that make up my territory. I'd planned to give each of you one of them to build your Clan upon.""

I see they're still confused. Sighing I simply resolve to tell them In greater detail after we get into the mountain bowl.


The group of my people finally gets around the 2 more turns to reach the mountain when we feel an earthquake.

Sprinting toward the mountain I see a perfectly shaped arch that has light on the other side. It's big enough by my estimation to fit a mammoth through, perfect for what I want to use them for.

Arriving in front of leaf, I don't even need to speak words before she responds to my thoughts, ""we thought it better to get this done as soon as possible. The sooner we finish, the sooner we can start building.""

Walking through the gate of Sparta many of my villagers are shocked at what's on the other side.

A beautiful land. Full of green grass and rivers and lakes. It's truly breathtaking here. The island itself was about the size of Ireland from my old world, making it perfect for me.

With the other two islands soon to be under my dominion as well, things were finally starting to look up for the residents of Sparta.


Dragonstone, the narrow sea, 8th moon 129 AC

(Jacaerys pov)

After hearing my mothers words before she left to inform the court of the usurpers demise, my thoughts steeled themselves as I looked to my grandmother.

(I plan to betroth him to Rhaena should he prove worthy)

That's all my mother had said. Although I understand her thinking like a queen, sometimes it upsets me just how unfeeling she can seem at times.

Though when I'm reminded of the embrace I received after racing home upon the news of my brothers death, none could say my mother doesn't feel. For she and I cried for hours over our shared inability to protect Luke.

Turning to my grandmother I speak, (tell me everything there is you know about Zayne Valhalla).


After my talk with grandmother I made my way toward Rhaena's room. Sure she and baela were chatting about the recent developments in the kingdoms.

Seeing the four older driftmark men outside her door confirmed my suspicions of their whereabouts.

After nodding at the Guards and informing ser cargyll to stay outside I make my way into the room after receiving permission to come in.

In the room are my cousins. One my betrothed and the other my favorite advice giver. Rhaena has a piece of parchment on her hands that baela is trying to get from her.

After finally managing to get it my betrothed and I get our first look at the picture.

An image almost exactly like the one described by my grandmother of the Valhallas eyes. A beautiful silver grey with red rippling throughout.

Baela speaks before I can, (what the hell is this rhae?).

My cousins face turns as red as the eyes in the picture. She finally speaks, (I've been having dreams of Zayne Valhalla for some time now, though only flashes until recently.)

As her words resonate with me my eyes widen. Dragon dreams are a staple of my family and while most may have written it off as rubbish, including me before going north and befriending Cregan stark, I now knew them to be most real.

As Rhaena described her own dreams of the Valhalla, I find that westeros is changing far too quickly for my liking.


SPARTA, Bay of Seals, 9th moon of 129 AC


Another moon has passed since I began to get things together in the mountain bowl.

Things were going too well.

And that's the day I saw a pale blue and silver dragon above my skies. Morgoth and I quickly mount up to go meet the threat. For the greens have found me.

The roar that comes out of morgoths mouth is in response to my fear of being caught off guard. A baleful screech that always reminded me of ghidorah.

But what truly caught my attention was the flag flown by the ship coming up to dock in kingshouse port.


My dragon and I fall into a bullet like spiral down to the shore to greet and or kill our guests. I just hope such things go okay.


All expectations I had of what was going to happen ceased the moment I recognized the young women with silver hair and the two young children she was with, all accompanied by two men in white and black cloaks of a similar style to my own.

The words the man spoke to me set me on edge more than any I've heard in this world. For I now know how dangerous the men in front of me are, (Vallar morgulous father of the titan,)

The house of black and white...…..

My people who've been training since I arrived with body weight exercises such as push-ups sit-ups and burpees now have a more defined look to their skinny frames. As if they were cut from stone.

The know true looking Spartans begin to make way for their spears but I stop such a notion quickly. I hadn't realized my blank face scared them into action thinking we've been infiltrated.

I then speak to the admitidly tall man in a hood of black, witht he rest of the cloak a pale white.

(I know not of such a title. Only the lord of Sparta applies to me. Tell me, why have you brought her here?)

I ask clearly referring to the current queen of westeros and her young children.

The answer I receive confuses me more, ( the many faced god told us. The kindly man said you would not remember, but I'd hoped such a thing to be false.) he looked almost sad at that last statement.

But I was losing my mind. I didn't know how to handle this situation. Morgoth, feeling my ansy mood let out his deep rumbling growl.

I thank him with a pat before giving instructions to hand over guest right to the new arrivals.

I then noticed the look james thenn and Helena Targaryen were giving eachother.

A smile breaks through my panic. It seems I've found the answer.


AN: wanted to get her to Sparta asap. Won't revisit why zayne is called that by the men of black and white. But it will be soon.

Next we spend a character or two mostly in Dragonstone as Corlys arrives back from his trip.

May write that today, may not. It all depends on how I feel.

I do hope you enjoy the chapter. Live long and prosper 🖖❤️